Friday, May 15, 2009

What Price Health Care?

Today the Senate Finance Committee is meeting to discuss options for expanding insurance coverage. Click on the title to get the details. Be sure to click on the enclosed link in the article to look at the slides they are using to guide their discussions. It is crucial that we as Americans be aware of what is going on. The future of American health care is today in the hands of a few senators. They literally have the power to chart the course that could change our health care system forever. We need to open our eyes and understand what those changes will mean. One critical point to understand right now is that Obama ultimately will not keep the promise he made during his campaign, that American who like the insurance plan they have can keep it. We may be able to for the short term but over the course of time we will have to revert to government run care due to the cost. Read the article to understand why this is the case. Mr Capretta explains it better than I can. We as Americans must understand that the Obama plan is a prelude to socialized medicine. There is no other path it can travel. Don't buy the line that everything can stay the same. It can't. It won't. Obama knows this, and that's just what he wants. We must act now with all possible speed. Those of us with senators on the Finance Committee need to bombard their offices with emails, faxes and phone calls TODAY saying NO to government run health care and insisting they find a private sector solution. The rest of us need to contact our reps to tell them to say NO to government run health care. Keep up the pressure!!

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