Saturday, May 9, 2009

Senator Hatch Warns Obama Not To Nominate Sotomayor

Aristotle once said "the law is reason free from passion." Judges are supposed to intrepret the law as it exists in its current form. They are not supposed to impose their own passions and opinions on the interpretation of the law. Senator Hatch is right to warn Obama not to nominate a judge who clearly uses her passions and opinions to influence interpretation of the law. We don't need legislators sitting on the bench. We need judges who will objectively and fairly intrepret the law. The powers that be appear to be anxious to have a judge in place by the time the next court convenes so we can expect the confirmation process to be speedy. It is important to let your reps know you won't tolerate a judge who isn't objective and fair. Start making your concerns known now!

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