Thursday, May 14, 2009

Islam on Campus

Click on the title to read an excellent article about the Muslim Student Association. If you are in college chances are there are student groups such as the Muslim Student Association on your campus. If so, you probably have noticed that they claim to want to further a positive image of Islam. But you need to listen very closely to their message and be very aware that their agenda is not peaceful, tolerant or understanding at all. Such groups know that they have the right to free speech and religion on their side. They will use these rights to promote a religion of intolerance and hate. Do not blindly accept their message in the name of cultural tolerance. Challenge it. Ask their members if they would be as tolerant of Christianity as they expect you to be of Islam. Ask them if you would be allowed to wear a necklace with a cross or to display a Bible in your dorm room if you were an exchange student in their country. If not, ask them why not? Ask them if they would have free speech and religion in their own countries. Ask them how they can preach hatred against America and yet seem to enjoy the freedom of living here? Ask them how they can stand studying in a country that they seem to hate so much. If you ask these questions you may be quite shocked at the answers. Pay close attention to the remark in the article that one day there will be a Muslim in the White House and the US will be under sharia law. Make no mistake, this is the true aim of all Muslim organizations. Their concept of cultural exchange is that of one world under Islam. You will be called racist and intolerant if you challenge their views. Accept this and get over it. Learn to stand up for your beliefs or one day you may be living in a world that won't tolerate them.

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