Sunday, May 10, 2009

Should the Pope Apologize to Muslims?

Some Jordanian Muslim leaders want an apology from the Pope about some previous remarks he has made. Click on the title for more details. Although some are more conciliatory, others insist that nothing but an abject apology will do. Has any one else noticed a pattern here? Muslims are always wanting everyone, particularly Christians and Americans, to apologize but never apologize for any of their behaviors. Why is that? I believe we are deluding ourselves if we persist in thinking that Muslims only want apologies for bad behavior and that if we give those apologies that will make everything ok between us. What they truly want is for the rest of the world, by extending apologies, to admit that Islam is right. What they want from the Pope is for him to apologize for being Catholic, for being Christian. So what is the answer? First off, we need to realize that apologies for behavior alone won't work unless we are willing to concede that Islam is the right and true religion. To a Muslim, that would be the only true apology and atonement worthy of acknowledging. Secondly, we need to understand that we will probably never hear an apology for any behavior done in the name of Islam no matter how bad it may be, because to apologize would be tatamount to disavowing Islam. This is something hard for Westerners, particularly Christians to accept. We are taught from infancy to apologize for bad behavior and that apologies build bridges to understanding. We don't have to be of a particular faith to believe that apologies work. It is difficult for us to conceive that someone would want an apology but would not be willing to apologize in return. Finally, we don't want to be considered racist or intolerant for speaking out against Islam. This is the hardest thing for us to overcome but overcome it we must. The best weapon that Islamists have found is not nuclear weapons but our constitutional right to free speech and religion. They know how much we value it and they have learned to use it against us. They make demands, and we give in, all in the name of free speech and religion, and cultural tolerance. But their beliefs will never allow them to extend the same to us in return. So how do we proceed? First of all, we must stand up for our rights. We must learn that the more we apologize the more we will be expected to apologize and it will never end. If an apology is due, we need to focus on the behavior only and not allow ourselves to be distracted by anything else. Finally we must never apologize for our faith or for who we are. If we do, we are truly lost.

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