Friday, December 25, 2009

Long History of Dealing, Vote Trading on the Hill

An interesting perspective on how long vote trading and deal making has been around on the Hill. The Health Care Process though is the most extreme example I ever heard of.

One Solitary Life

I always did like this poem. Rejoice in His coming this blessed Christmas Day! May you have a joyful and peaceful Christmas and a very Happy New Year!

What Doctors and Patients Have to Lose Under Obamacare

To those that see Doctors as the rich villians this might seem like a good thing. But will it seem that way when you need surgery or a procedure and the government tells you you can't have it because it is too expensive? I would like to be at your bedside to hear your thoughts on Obamacare when you get the news. In the meantime I am going to thoroughly enjoy the fight to either defeat or repeal this pile of crap.

Senate Passes Health cAre Bill

This is a good synopsis of the major points of the bill.

The Real Price of the Health Care Bill

Just about the only thing that has been transparent through this whole process is the backroom deals and arm twisting that it took to get to this point. The whole thing was/is so nauseating and foul to me that I just had to stop writing about it for awhile. The bill is passed now and much work lies ahead. As I have said before, the only good that has come out of this is that the public is now aware of how corrupt the process is and has been for years with both political parties at fault. As Shakespeare would say, a plague on both their houses! Also, more and more people are realizing what is happening to our country and are pushing back. This is indeed good and hopeful news! During this holy season my hope is that we will all have a chance to reflect on the things most important to us and come back with with renewed determination to stand for freedom. Have a peaceful Holiday season and God bless us everyone!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Twas the Week Before Christmas

Click on the title for a nice political spoof. Sums up the week doesn't it?? As Tiny Tim would say, Merry Christmas and God Bless Us Everyone!

Vampires and Thrillseekers Rejuvenate Dead Stars

Click on the title to see a beautiful cluster of stars photographed by the Hubble Telescope. Vampire! Who knew?? I like what the author says, that science is beautiful and that we have only begun to understand the universe. It puts things in perspective, making our problems so small. Sometimes we get so caught up in our issues down here we forget we are part of something much much larger. Isn't it amazing that the Creator of this vast, infinite and amazing universe also created us and holds us in His hands? Wow!!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Harry Reid's Health Care Buy-Offs

Harry Reid says it's compromise. I say it's corruption. Unfortunately legislators on both sides have been doing things this way for years. The best thing that has happened with the health care debacle is that corruption on all levels has been exposed and the hits just keep on coming.

Twelve Days of Obama Care

Click on the title to see a cute video to the tune of The Twelve Days of Christmas.

Obama's Christmas Tree Graced by Chairman Mao, Transvestite

Did you ever think you would see the day when anything with Chairman Mao on it would even get close to the White House, let alone decorate the White House tree?

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

what is right in God's eye's

    I normally write my articles on political subjects, but today I have a moral dilemma. I am a hand to hand combat instructor and a believer in the second amendment, the right to bear arms. I also believe that if you own a gun you should know how to use it.
   Tonight I had what I will respectfully call a "debate" with my fiance. We are both Christians, we both believe in, and love Jesus, but, as with most Christians, we have completely different views on many things. To make a long story short, our debate was about self defense and war. Now, unless I got it wrong, and I don't believe I did because we have had this "debate" many times, my fiance believes that violence should not be an option. She believes in all circumstances we should put our faith in God. Now, she has also trained in ju-juitsu, karate, kick boxing, and owns a gun, so she is not without knowledge of the means of self defense. She also can point to bible scripture that would seem to back up her feelings. For example, Matthew 5:38-39, "You have heard it said, an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. However I say to you, do not resist him that is wicked, but whoever slaps you on the right cheek, turn the other also to him." She told me that if someone were to come into the house to take her away that she would not fight back or resist, but put her full faith in God. This shows a great faith in God, but that is not my dilemma. This is a belief held by a lot of Christians.
   I then pointed out the new testament scripture, Luke 22:36-38 which say's, " Then he said to them, but now let the one who has a purse take it up, likewise also a food pouch, and let the one having no sword sell his outer garment and buy one. For I tell you that this which is written must be accomplished in me, namely. And he was reckoned with lawless ones. For that which concerns me is having an accomplishment. Then they said, "Lord, look! here are two swords. And he said to them, It is enough."
   Now, we could go back and forth with scripture, both old and new testament, justifying our position, but that would just be humans trying to figure out Gods will. It's all in the interpretation. Here is my moral question. When the Nazi's were committing genocide against our Jewish brothers and sisters and killing millions of others, did it offend God that we went to war to defeat them? When we picked up arms against our fellow countrymen to free our black brothers and sisters from murder, rape and the atrocity of slavery, did we sin against God?
   To get more personal, if I encounter a man trying to rape a woman on the street, and, having the ability to stop him, instead do nothing, have I pleased God with my non violence?
   Even closer to home, if a man breaks into my house and tries to rape a loved one, and I use deadly force to stop him, have I angered God? This is my dilemma. I don't want to be wrong.
   I will pray about this every day. I will do what I think is right in God's eyes. If necessary, I will defend the weak, I will defend my family, I will defend my neighbors and my Country. I will do this until God answers my prayers and tells me I am wrong. I ask all of you who read this to comment on what you believe is God's will. Maybe God will answer me through one of you. Thank you.

This is Paul Revere, and even though this isn't a political article, I am still reminding you, 

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Logical Fallacies of Global Warming

Click on the title to read an approach to global warming that you will never hear about in mainstream media--the Biblical approach. I found it intriguing and since I know I will never see it anywhere else I am posting it on this blog.

EXmas and Christmas

Nice article on the birth of our modern Christmas traditions.

If You Preach It They Will Fall

Click on the title to read about a preacher whose stand for God and against government brought down one of the bloodiest most dictatorial Communist regimes. His story is inspiring, uplifting and a testament to the power of God and good over tyranny. The days are coming soon where we will have to take a stand. During this blessed season, when we still have freedom of worship and access to The Word, we all need to take time to examine our hearts and immerse ourselves in the knowledge, truth and the word of our Lord. If you see a pastor thank him/her for sharing the word with you and for standing daily for truth even at great cost to themselves and their families.

The Impact of Christianity on the World

Click on the title to read a fascinating article about how the Bible is intertwined with history and science, and about how the redemptive power of belief in Christ has shaped our modern society.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Public School Kids Singing to Allah?

Click on the title for details but apparently some second graders sang a song to Allah during a school program. So are parents being Islamophobic when they object to their kids singing to Allah? What do you think would have happened if Muslim children had been made to sing Christmas carols and made to speak the name of Jesus as the Son of God? You know there would have been a huge outcry from the Muslim community! How, you may wonder, are they getting away with seemingly promoting religion in a public school? The teachers get away with in the name of cultural study and promotion of tolerance. If you think of Islam as a culture instead of a religion you can teach about it all you want and never be challenged. Unfortunately many teachers don't realize that instead of teaching tolerance they are promoting one culture over another and diminishing their own in the process. This does an incredible amount of damage not only to themselves but to those they teach. If you are going to be truly inclusive, each side should try on the shoes--and the religion-- of the other without fear.



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China's Century: the Impending Threat to America and the Dollar

Some intriguing insights from John Meyers, from the Personal Liberty Digest. What do you think? Is right on or just being paranoid? I thought the first five comments were pretty interesting. Seems like people either are tired of being afraid all the time or just don't want to face the facts. Maybe it's a little of both.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

New Goal: 10 Million Pink Slips to Congress!

Looks like the Pink Slips to Congress campaign has topped over 9 million and is on its way to the 10 million mark! Click on the title and see how you can send your pink slips to Congress. Let's make sure they get LOTS of pink slips for Christmas!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Pastor's Conviction for Preaching Gospel Challenged

Click on the title to read about an American preacher that was arrested for preaching the Gospel along a parade route in Oslo. Say prayers for those who face threats and persecutions daily in small and large ways for standing up for their faith and sharing with others the good news about Christ.

Oslo Police Chase Christians From Nobels

Click on the title for details. This is just one more example of how much the Christian faith is coming under fire these days. Though it seems like it is getting harder and harder to preach the message, still we must keep trying. There are people out there that need it desperately and they will hear if we keep on.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Obama Prays to Allah

If these aren't "photoshopped" there should be no doubt in anyone's mind as to where Obama's heart is. He isn't hiding it anymore! To think that he cancelled the Christian National Prayer Day, and not only attended the Muslim Prayer Day but also prayed to Allah! Could this merely be an effort to appease and play both sides? Maybe but if so he will learn that Islam won't tolerate that. Sooner or later Obama along with the rest of us will be called to take a stand. Where do you stand?

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Medicare Buy-In Costs Too Much?

Hello Trigger!

Public Option Keeps Toehold

I told you it wouldn't completely go away.
Senator Max Baucus (D-Montana) appears to think that the health care bill does not create new government. A fact check reveals that the Reid Bill creates more than 70 new government programs!! I suppose they think that's better than the 110 new programs added by the House Bill! Senator Baucus is either a liar, an idiot, on drugs or hasn't read the bill!! Maybe all of the above??

Thinly Disguised Power Grab

Ya think????

Click on the title to read a very good article summing up the health care debacle.

Health Care Bill Unconstitutional?

Is the Health Care Bill unconstitutional? Some legal experts think so, particularly in the case of the personal mandate to buy health insurance. Click on the title to read an article from the Heritage Foundation discussing personal mandates and other potentially constitutional problems with health care.

Spiral Phenomenon Explained

Whatever it was it sure looks cool!

Northern Lights

Gorgeous pictures!!

Medical News: Medical Home Has Place in Healthcare Reform - in Public Health & Policy, Public Health from MedPage Today

Medical News: Medical Home Has Place in Healthcare Reform - in Public Health & Policy, Public Health from MedPage Today Nurse Practitioners and Medical Homes--great ideas for reform that we can afford!


THE TOTALITIES OF COPENHAGEN: GLOBAL WARMING AND THE PSYCHOLOGY OF TRUE BELIEF Great synopsis on what is going on in Copenhagen. While health care reform is the biggest con foisted on our country, Climate Change is the biggest con foisted upon the world.

Liberal's Dream Fading?

Carrie Brown from Politico writes that the Liberal's Dream of a Public Option is fading. But don't be fooled. The Libs have invested too much into the dream to let it die entirely. It may not make it into the Senate Bill but the Senate Bill still has to be reconciled with the House Bill which has a robust public option. It still could come back. The best hope we have is to defeat this bill in the Senate.

Liberals' public option dream fading - -

Liberals' public option dream fading - - Carrie Brown from Politico writes that the Liberal's dream of a public option appears to be fading. But don't be fooled. They have to much invested in this dream to let it die entirely. It may not make it into the Senate Bill but the Senate version still has to be reconciled with the House Bill which has a robust public option. The Libs are not going to let it slip away without a fight. They will pull out every dirty trick in the book and invent some more. They will not go quietly into the night.

In my humble opinion the only way out of this is to defeat this bill in its entirety--scrap it and start over. We need to come up with something that helps people right now not in the distant future. We need a patient-centered bill, not one filled with more government, higher taxes and all-out power grabs. Contacting your senators is important to let them know how you stand on this bill. But it is far more important now to wake up your friends and family to what is going on. It is time for all of us in America to wake up and take a stand!

Medicare Sausage?

Sausage is a good word to describe what is happening in the Senate right now with the health care debates. Click on the title to read about how expanding Medicare could push us closer to a single payer government controlled plan. Making sausage is a messy sometimes disgusting process and it is a good analogy for the messy debates, closed door meetings, arm twisting, bribery, dirty tricks, etc that is happening now. The thing about sausage is that it usually tastes good even with mysterious ingredients and a messy process. Medicare sausage will not taste good at all.

All’s not fair in health reform bills - The Boston Globe

All’s not fair in health reform bills - The Boston Globe

Posted using ShareThis Fair? Fair for Whom? Certainly not fair for our children who will be stuck paying for this monstrosity. Certainly not fair for us who will have to pay higher taxes right now without realizing any benefits for years to come. There is nothing in this bill that will help the people who need it right now. What comfort is it to know that health care reform will kick in in three to five years when you have thousands of dollars in medical bills that need to be paid right now? Above all, we still haven't answered the question of how we will pay for this? What were we thinking? What ARE we thinking?

Expanding Government Run Programs--to the Few Who Can Afford It

Click on the title to read about how Expanding Medicare is the latest in a series of attempts to get the Health Care Bill passed. The more they try the worse it gets. I think they are hoping that by the end of the process we will all be so frustrated and confused that we will give up and accept whatever they come up with. The longer the process goes on the more I realize that this is the the second biggest con game in our country's history being foisted upon us, the first being Crap and Tax (OOPS! I mean Cap and Trade). If anything good comes out of this at all it will be the realization of how corrupt and degraded our legislative process has become. Now more than ever we need new leadership but even more than that we need to purge Washington of the rot and stench of corruption. Otherwise any new leadership will be tainted as well. Unless we do this we are doomed because only through strong executive, judicial and legislative leadership can we defeat the forces assailing us now.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Don't Ma Bell Health Care!

Clever video with a great message about how health care--check it out!

Beautiful Moon!

Click on the title to see a beautiful NASA shot of the moon! We get so caught up in our problems that sometimes we need to be reminded there are things larger than ourselves.

Muslim Day 3: Women Silenced; Racial Slurs

Click on the title to see the video which I am sure you will find very educational and enlightening. Observe how members of this "peaceful" and "tolerant" religion treat the journalists who are trying to find out more about their culture and beliefs. Pay attention to how the women are treated. Above all listen closely to the answers, some of which are really non-answers, given to the questions. Ask yourself how well you would fare living under Sharia Law. Wake up America! Stay alert, stay informed and fight to keep Sharia Law out of this country!!

Interview with Disciple of Islamic Terrorist: Muslim Day on Capitol Hill

Click on the title to see the video and listen carefully to the answers this so called disciple gives to the questions. See if you can keep track of the falsehoods and lies. I lost count! Please people it is so important to become informed about the true nature of Islam and Sharia Law. Islam is not a benign religion and Sharia Law is extraordinarily intolerant. The forces that are promoting them are right here in our land right now and they mean to become dominant. Check out the last frame in this video where it says "Freedom Go To Hell." They mean it.

Sharia Law: Homosexuals Must Be Killed

Click on the title to see the video but I warn you one of the images is profoundly disturbing. Ask yourself this: is this the kind of religion or law that I would want to follow or have controlling every aspect of my life? Because if we are not careful that day will come very soon. So much for tolerance!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Limos, Private Planes and Caviar!

This article is making the rounds of the blog sites today and well it should.

Cougar meets Bear

My sister sent this link to me and the video is so amazing I just had to post it. It does indeed give you a perspective of life from an animal point of view. We might have a lot of problems in our country right now but at least we are not being hunted as a meal. Well...not yet at any rate! Enjoy!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Time For A New Paradigm?

Click on the title to read an insightful article by Bob Livingston. Mr. Livingston not only makes an excellent case for changing our thinking but also gives us steps to help us change, to think outside an "us versus them" mentality. I am not sure I agree with everything he says but overall I think he makes a lot of sense. Our ability to shift our thinking may ultimately save our lives and save our nation. See what you think!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Swiss Ban Mosque in Surprise Vote

Click on the title to read the article. If only the rest of the world were as courageous as the Swiss. They recognize what has happened to Europe and see what is happening to America. We need to follow their example. The thing to remember here is that mosques are not the same as churches. We in American tend to lump all places of worship together and think that they all have the same purpose. They do not. Whereas churches are a symbol of worship, mosques and minarets are also symbols of power. Militant Islamists will spin this as an assault on religious freedom. They will call us bigots, anti-islamists and anything else they think will make us change our minds. They will use the second amendment to advance their cause. But we have to remember that acceptance and tolerance of Islam goes beyond acceptance of religion. It is acceptance of culture, a system of government, an entire way of life that will eventually be imposed on us all if Sharia Law continues to gain ground. We cannot afford to be naive and ignorant about this any longer. It is time for us to wake up, get informed and fight back!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Pink Slips to Congress Campaign Now at 8 Million!

Click on the title to read updates about the Pink Slips to Congress Campaign. It is continuing to get a lot of attention in Congress and is making a difference! If you haven't done so send your pink slips now! The new goal is 10 million pink slips so let's make sure Congress gets a Christmas present they will never forget--boxes and boxes of pink slips!

Obama Grandmama Makes Muslim Pilgrimage

Wait a minute...I thought she was Christian! At least that is what the AP said during the campaign...Oh...that's right...the campaign is over. How could I forget??

My question is won't she have to fear for her safety since she apparently was/is Christian? Aren't only true believing Muslims allowed to make the pilgrimage? Or will her lies and deceit about her faith be viewed as OK as long as it advances the cause of jihad? Hmmmm...she is also the one that said her grandson was born in Kenya. It will be interesting to see if her statements about her faith will be treated the same as her statements about her grandson's birth--dismissed and ignored. Watch for Grandmama Obama to be thrown under the bus.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Teaching Plan: America 'An Oppressive Hell Hole'

Well if this doesn't get you good and ticked off nothing will! If you are in college, or have kids in college you will not want to miss reading this article. You may want to see if this program is coming to your institution! Just when I think I have heard it all something else totally outrageous comes along! I don't even want to ask what's next because I don't want to know! But even as I say this I know that this is really nothing that new. We have been seeing progressive liberalism growing more and more in our school systems for the last 30 years. My sister was looking at one of her daughter's college textbooks recently and was horrified at some of the extremely liberal ideas it contained. Her daughter told her that she didn't agree with any of the ideas but she pretended like she did just so she could get good grades and graduate. If she did otherwise she would flunk. So how is it an education if that's how both teachers and students are approaching learning? And what about those who are being thoroughly indoctrinated without being exposed to the other side? A proper education is the objective analytical exposure to all viewpoints so that the student can make informed choices and decisions. Colleges and universities that abandon this approach are doing their faculty and students a disservice.


For those of you over 30, you may remember that this is the title of a song by one of the (if not the greatest) rock bands to ever grace the face of the earth, LED ZEPPELIN.
Many of us are becoming activists in our fight against the obvious, the movement of our country towards Marxism. Some of us go to tea parties, some of us write books, others are broadcasting to millions of people over airwaves, others confronting our representatives in town hall meetings, and some, finally, just speaking when the time is appropriate instead of remaining silent. This is a good thing. It is something that should have been done years ago, but most people were not paying attention or didn't care.
The Founding Fathers gave us every protection they possibly could, and then said, " Now you need to stay informed and protect this document ( The Constitution) that we have provided you with." Let's take a look at some of the protections the Founders left for us:
They were historians. They knew that certain powers over certain areas of our society were needed for any central government to become oppressive, so they gave us a Constitution, the law of the land, that gave only specific and limited powers to the Federal Government.
They broke the federal government up into 3 branches so that each one could be a check on the other 2.
They gave us the bill of rights which outlines our individual rights, and the most important check on the federal government, the 10th amendment which states:
The powers not given to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.
They gave the federal government specific rules on taxation which had a natural security against government abuse of this power. They called for either a direct tax or an indirect tax. An indirect tax would be a tax on items which would be bought, but not to include items which were needed. For example, we need food, so food would not be taxed. In other words an indirect tax would be a tax that could be avoided. The security against abusive taxation in this case would be that if it were taxed to high, people would not buy the item and revenues to the treasury would decrease. A direct tax is a tax that can not be avoided, like the income tax. The Constitution calls for all direct taxes to be apportioned among the States. One example of this is that EVERYONE would pay 10% on their income. The security against abusive taxation here is that if taxes were to high, lower income people couldn't pay them. The Founders certainly would have immediately dismissed the idea of a progressive tax system because it completely opens us up to abusive taxes. In fact, it has already. For example, the top 1% of wage earners pay over 40% of the total revenues to the treasury, while 40% of our population pays no federal income tax, yet receives most of the benefits provided by taxes. In fact at this point there is no limit to what the fed can tax, or how much they can tax. There is no provision in the Constitution for one person to be taxed in order to give that money to another person.
We have become, as a nation, exactly what our fore fathers shed their blood to liberate us from. Our Founding Fathers set up the most perfect system of government 'humanly' possible. All we had to do was understand it, and hold our Governments feet to the fire. For the last century, we have failed to do this. Each of us as an individual is responsible. So keep up the good fight. If we move in mass they can not resist us. But when thinking to yourself, " How did we get here", remember Led Zeppelin, It's nobody's fault but mine.

This is Paul Revere reminding you, "THE RED COATS ARE COMING"

Thanksgiving and God

Click on the title to read about how the original Thanksgiving celebrations were to give thanks to God for His deliverance. Something to think about!

Give Thanks

Another wonderful uplifting article from American Vision about giving thanks for blessings large and small. May we carry the spirit of thankfulness in our hearts year round!

New York Facing Bankruptcy?

So when are we all going to learn, individually and collectively, that you can't spend what you don't have? When we are all living in caves and foraging for food? Maybe that is what it is going to take.

Climategate! It Doesn't Get Any Better Than This!

Click on the title for details about the emerging scandal. It's great and I am so enjoying it!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving! Relax Today Prepare to Renew the Battle Tomorrow

I was only going to post one article today but saw this and couldn't resist because the message is so important. How good to have today to reflect on our blessings and to remember all we have, and how good to be able to use this time to refresh and renew ourselves for the battle ahead. Thomas Jefferson once said that "the price of freedom is eternal vigilance." So together let us thank and praise God for our freedom and ask Him to fortify us with the courage, wisdom and determination needed to preserve it. Amen!

Be Thankful to God in All That You Do

Stand for Israel:

Click on the title to enjoy a wonderful commentary about the history of Thanksgiving and the importance of being thankful to God in all that we do and for all that we have. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday because it gives me the opportunity to set aside a day where I can just be thankful to God and remember all the blessings He has bestowed upon me in the past year. Even in times of uncertainty and crisis the act of being thankful helps put things in perspective and gives us the strength, courage, positive outlook and spiritual balance to face whatever is ahead. I wish for you a wonderful day, filled with thankfulness and blessing in all that you do. Happy Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

How can I tell if my health care plan triggers the 'Cadillac' tax? --

How can I tell if my health care plan triggers the 'Cadillac' tax? --

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Good information about insurance plans and the cadillac tax.

Senate health care bill: the five paragraphs you must read |

Senate health care bill: the five paragraphs you must read

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Nice article pinpointing some important areas to focus on in the Health Care Bill.

Doug Hoffman Concedes, Looks to 2010

Dear Friends,

Today, Tuesday, November 24, 2009, it is with a heavy heart that we declare this election over. We will formally end this election and not ask for a recount. This was a difficult choice to make because so many people have put their faith, hope and aspirations into our campaign.

Yes, there seem to have been many vote counting problems, missed vote counts and, as was recently reported by the Gouvernour Times, software problems in the computerized voting machines. Despite these incidents, I do not believe the voters of NY-23, or New Yorkers in general, would be well-served by a disruptive and costly recount that would most likely not change the election outcome.

I know many are disappointed and even angry. To those I say now is not the time to look back, but to focus on the future and ensure that next year we win back this district decidedly. Know this decision was not an easy one. I did not want to let down those who worked so hard, donated so much and shared their enthusiasm for retaking our country with common-sense conservative values.

And rest assured, our energies are now directed toward 2010. This election, in which a third party candidate narrowly lost, showed that principles do matter. Special interests do have an Achilles’ heel, the American people. Main-street conservatism’s voice is now echoing through the government chambers and boardrooms that shape America. By most measures, this campaign was a success and I have you all to thank for this. And all of us have to thank the Conservative Party of New York State for nominating a candidacy like ours.

We take away lessons from this year’s campaign that will make us stronger and more competitive in the future. Next time we will be better prepared. Many people forget that our campaign only began in earnest three months ago. Most campaigns of this stature take at least a year to prepare. In three months, we almost toppled an entrenched political system and successfully defied the conventional thinking of the elite political punditry. Citizen government is making a comeback in America.

I thank everyone who participated in this campaign and urge each one of you to stand with me in the future. We have a calling that we must answer. My opponent in this race quickly abandoned the promises he made to his voters. Within the first hour of being sworn in by Nancy Pelosi, Bill Owens broke 4 campaign promises … so much for change in Washington. We must resoundingly defeat him next year and, with your help, I promise to help restore our nation’s faith in elected officials when we win.

But there is more to do than just win back NY-23 in 2010. We must work to help other like-minded citizen candidates win across the country. We need to make time to help other candidates who are working for the principles we hold dear… other fiscal, common-sense conservatives. Together we can successfully take back our great nation, one legislator and one member at a time. We need more than one common-sense conservative voice in the echo chamber of liberal, spend thrift cacophony if we are to redirect our great country.

I would also like to commend those election commission officials who worked tirelessly and may have taken offense to an unfortunate and poorly worded fundraising email that was sent out toward the end of our campaign. As we tried to make sense of the false vote counts and stories of so/ftware viruses in the voting machines, we never intended to imply the election commissioners had somehow acted improperly. This was never our intention and, on the contrary, the election commissioners went above and beyond to uphold their duty to ensure a fair election took place. I owe them a debt of gratitude for all they have done.

So where to now? Full speed ahead to 2010. This gives us time to carefully articulate and communicate thoughtful positions on issues that impact the great people of our district and ensure that our campaign promises are NOT broken. Best of all, it allows me to work hand-in-hand with the many supporters who shared their ideas, their concerns and their dreams with me.

We need to continue to stand united because we cannot spend our way out of recession or tax our way to prosperity. We must continue to fight to protect our liberties and protect those who are yet to be born. We must protect our country against terrorists and protect the sanctity of marriage. We must fix our corrupt tax code, our immigration policy and our educational system. Most of all we must defend the free enterprise system that made America the greatest and most prosperous country in the world. Although I’m conceding an election today, I do it with the certainty that we will win back this seat a year from now. I am certain of this because our mission is too big, the country’s problems too dire and the American people are too smart.

Thank you for all you have done and will continue to do. “We the people” are retaking America.

doug's signature

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Obama’s Boss Demands Show Trials#When:12:06:48Z

Obama’s Boss Demands Show Trials#When:12:06:48Z

Well well well...finally I am seeing in print what I have known for so long. The press is finally saying that George Soros is Obama's real boss and the real power behind the throne! True, it is the Canadian Free Press but maybe our media will start catching on as well. George Soros does indeed want to change how the world perceives America--for the worst! He has a world view and it would serve him greatly if America was subject to the world. So far everything seems to be going as planned with Copenhagen coming up, talk of world money, etc. Who would have thought this even ten years ago?

We the American people have a choice. Do we let George Soros and his ilk call the shots or do we fight back? It is time to take a stand!

Obama's Nice Guy Act Gets Him Nowhere on the World Stage

Interesting viewpoint from Der Spiegel, a German publication. Could it be Obama is waking up from his own koolaid? Could it be he will change his diplomatic policy? Dare we hope? I hope something changes before it is too late.

Four Lessons Learned From Senate Health Care Reform Vote

I like this article by Grover Norquist from Fox News. One of the best lessons we have learned is how corrupt Congress has become, to the point where they are openly brazen about it. As he says, big government has won round one. But will the voice of the American people now be heard? Keep pounding your senators with faxes, emails, letters, phone calls and petitions daily. Don't let up. When this is finished, however it is finished these bums need to know they have heard our voice!

Tough choices on health care --

Tough choices on health care --

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Nice analysis of the Health Care Bill sticking points that Senate will have to solve before passing the bill. It's going to be a tough battle!

Dean: Dems in Deep Trouble Over Health Care

This just in from Huffington Post that bastion of liberal thought. Howard Dean thinks the Dems are in a lot of trouble with health care. We will see. People thought that about the House too. Never underestimate Harry Reid's power to buy people off!

Look What Cass Sunstein Wants to do to Hannity!

Looks like my "favorite" czar Cass Sunstein is up to more tricks. This time he wants to find a way to censor websites from making "absurd" claims and allegations. How about you and everyone else in the Obama administration telling the truth Mr. Sunstein? Then you wouldn't have to worry about censorship! By the way are you willing to censor all the lefty sites as well when they come up with absurdities? Didn't think so...

Give Me Character Over IQ Any Day -- Doug Patton -- GOPUSA

Give Me Character Over IQ Any Day -- Doug Patton -- GOPUSA

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Thought provoking article where Doug Patton compares Sarah Palin to William Wallace of Braveheart. I agree with Doug, in terms of courage and character she is my kind of president too. I only hope she fares much better than William did but somehow I think she will. Despite incredible odds and all that her opponents are trying to do to bring her down she is still standing.

A National Nightmare, Indeed -- David Limbaugh -- GOPUSA

A National Nightmare, Indeed -- David Limbaugh -- GOPUSA

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For once I agree with you Mr Vice President. You and the rest of the Obama administration are indeed our worst nightmare!! I couldn't have said it better myself!

Should Senate Pass 849 Billion Dollar Health Care Bill?

Click on the title to see the results of a Wall Street Journal Poll asking if the Senate should pass this current bill. Based on what you see here do you think our reps are listening to us? Cast your vote and make your voice heard!

Republican governors: 'Opt out' unworkable - Washington Times

Republican governors: 'Opt out' unworkable - Washington Times

Even if states opt out we taxpayers would still have to pay for the public option. Why do I feel like the "nudge" to socialized health care just turned in to a push? And not just a push but a push off of a very high cliff?

We Will Be Paying For Abortions

This just in from Republican Minority Leader John Boehner's blog--the current bill does indeed require us to pay for abortions. This plus the fact that the bill will saddle us with unbelievable taxes in the middle of a recession with a 10.2% unemployment rate makes this a truly unholy alliance. The whole bill is a pile of trash that must be defeated, never to return. Please don't operate any longer under the delusion that this bill is patient centered and will actually help those who need it. Take the time to read it and you will see very clearly that it won't. Please contact your Senators and insist that they defeat this bill. Take a stand. Send petitions, emails and faxes every day. Do anything you can to get their attention. Above all pray hard for the Senators who are standing strong against this bill and for those misguided souls who honestly think they are doing the right thing by voting for it. Pray that light and wisdom come to all in the final hours of dabate. Pray for our country that we may seek His wisdom rather than our own.

Monday, November 23, 2009



Somebody please read this and tell me how this could possibly be good for the country. I see it as decreasing productivity and ultimately the innovation and drive to succeed that made this country great.

I can't tell you how many people after having bragged about voting for Obama and health care reform have almost in the same breath told me how much they like Medicare and their benefits. I wonder if they realize they will lose most of their benefits once health care goes through? How much do they really know about the current health care reform legislation? I am thinking that if they can make comments like these they don't know anything at all about it. My hope for them is that they become informed and call their senators before it is too late.

Or else I hope they never complain to me about their health care benefits.

Chicago Style $300 Million Payoff Secures Obamacare Debate

Chicago Style $300 Million Payoff Secures Obamacare Debate

In other words, Senator Landrieu is easy but not cheap!

This is politics at its most corrupt. She certainly was brazen about accepting the bribe--"it wasn't 1oo million it was 300 million!". Yes, the bribe as it really cannot be called anything else. People of America, this woman just sold your future, for a serious chunk of cash for her district. How do you feel about that?

KY jelly all around! We are going to need it. It is going to be a very long 3 years.

"Lawyer: 9/11 Defendants Will Tell Jury 'Why They Did It'" - Patriot Update

"Lawyer: 9/11 Defendants Will Tell Jury 'Why They Did It'" - Patriot Update

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Scumbags all!!!!!!

"Uncle Sam Accepting Donations To Help With Deficit" - Patriot Update

"Uncle Sam Accepting Donations To Help With Deficit" - Patriot Update

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OMG when I saw this headline I thought it was a joke but apparently it is real! Anyone got any spare change?? Ha!

Tell ya what, I will gladly give a large donation if I can stop paying taxes the rest of my life. How about that???

SNL Scorches Obama Polices

Then they turn around and scorch Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin--both skits very funny! Click on the title to see the videos.

Burka Barbie

Click on the title to listen to Brigitte Gabriel discuss Burka Barbie and how it is an expression of Sharia Law rather than an expression of culture. Sooo...would you let your kid play with a doll like this? Are these the kind of values you want your daughter exposed to, that women are nothing, invisible and have to cover up their shame? Think about it. There are 500 of these dolls being auctioned off for "charity." Wonder where the money will go?

The Stealth System

Click on the title to read a great article by Bob Livingston whose website is devoted to the truth. He discusses how much of our government operates under the stealth system. This means that most of us don't know or understand how things really get done especially in Washington. If any good at all is coming out of this debacle of an administration (actually the past several administrations) it is that the layers of corruption are starting to be exposed. Keep looking for the truth, stay alert and stay informed.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

2009 First Year of World Government?

Well, there you have it, world government here or at least the ground work laid. Click on the title for details.

A Health Bill Nobody Believes In

Another excellent analysis of the Reid Health Care Bill from The Heritage Foundation. Stay alert and stay informed!

Section By Section Analysis of the Reid Bill

Good breakdown of what is in the Reid Health Care Bill under debate in the Senate right now. Please take the time to read as much as you can about this bill and understand the issues at stake. Pay close attention to the sections on Medicaid, Taxes and Abortion. The bottom line is that if this bill passes it is destined to fail mainly because we can't afford to pay for it. If it does fail, it opens the door to Government Run Universal Health Care. The only way to stop this is for the Senate to defeat it cold right now. Once it is passed, we will have a very difficult time going back. Indeed we may never go back.

Four Pages of Parchment Vs. 2032 Pages of Government Control

Click on the title to read about comparing the Constitution with some of our legislative bills. Amazing how much government, some of it quite damaging, we have been able to extract out of four pages of the Constitution. What will happen when we have 2032 pages of government controlled health care to extract from?

Are You Suffering From E.D?

No I am not talking about Erectile Dysfunction, although the symptoms are nearly the same!

Click on the title to read a fascinating article about Eschatology (End Times) Dysfunction, a common ailment affecting Christians. It is a condition that causes Christians to feel the world is too much to bear and they should just escape somewhere and wait for the Lord's return. I must confess I have suffered from it often, most recently after the House voted in Health Care. I wanted to throw up my hands in disgust and then hide under a rock until Christ's second coming. I felt tired, discouraged, hopeless and helpless--all the symptoms in this article. The author recommends reading Psalm 110 and Matthew 28:18-20 as these passages are a great "shot in the arm" for those suffering from ED. Reading these verses made me realize that although Christians know the end of the story, we are not there yet. Even when the world is against us we are called to stay in the fight and take a stand for truth. We are on the winning team, however and we can fight the good fight here on earth. We don't have to wait until we are in heaven! We can live a victorious life right here, right now. In fact we are not being called to live a defeated life at all, waiting in seclusion somewhere. When the Lord comes back he wants to find us in the fields reaping his harvest. And that is where I want him to find me!

The Theology of Evicting Congress

Click on the title to read a great article about what our role as Christians should be in government. The author makes a convincing case that Christians have the scriptural authority to take an active role in evicting leaders who don't follow Biblical principles or the will of God. Let me know what you think. In my humble opinion, perhaps if we had been seeking the Lord's will in all aspects of our individual and collective pursuits we wouldn't be in the sad state we find ourselves now. What say you?

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Conservative Democrats Voting for Cloture but Not Happy About It

Click on the title to see what the Conservative Dems have to say about voting for cloture. All say they are voting for it now so the debate can begin. Let's see if they stick to their story. Anyone taking any bets? Didn't think so....Can you say filibuster?

Wow! 7 Million Pink Slips to Congress!

Click on the title to read about the World Net Daily Pink Slips to Congress campaign that is now getting the attention of even the most mainstream media. Seven million pink slips have been sent to Congress! Send yours today!

Body Sold to Russian Kabob Shop

EEEEEEEEWWWWW!! Click on title for all the gory details. Great idea for a horror flick!

The Meaning of the Greg Craig Debacle

Click on the title to read a great piece about the recent firing of Greg Craig, one of Obama's most influential supporters. More evidence that people on both sides are waking up and realizing just who they voted into office. When the Obama Koolaid wears off entirely it is going to leave a very nasty hangover and the ones who will feel it the most will be the ones who most supported him.

Friday, November 20, 2009

David Freddoso: Your congressman's padded retirement plan | Washington Examiner

David Freddoso: Your congressman's padded retirement plan Washington Examiner

As you read this remember that it is at taxpayers' expense! And William Jefferson could exploit a loophole and get his pension even though he is in prison!! And this is the same bunch that wants to foist Obama-Pelosi Care on us! When you read this remember that the Senate will vote tomorrow whether to proceed with the debate on Health Care Reform. Remember that the current bills say that your reps will not be required to participate in whatever plan they come up with. They will be able to keep their current plans!! If this doesn't make you mad enough, scroll the list in the article of each reps current salaries and projected retirement. Chew on that for awhile and remember that their retirement and health care will not be subject to any legislation in the current bill if it passes. When you get good and mad call your reps today and DEMAND they vote no to proceed. If they vote yes tomorrow, call everyday demanding they vote no on the final bill!

People of America it is time now to wake up, smell the coffee and understand completely that your future is being decided right now by a group of lawmakers who will not be subject to the same health care or retirement plans. They will have it good while the rest of us suffer. And it will all be in the name of health care for all. They care nothing for you, for your family, or for the country. This is all about power and control and the bill reflects that. It is time to "get it." Contact your senators TODAY!

A Thanksgiving Lesson

A Thanksgiving Lesson

Posted using ShareThis This is a great article by Chip Wood, Geopolitical Editor at It is a history lesson you will never hear in today's classrooms! Take the time to read about how the Pilgrims of the Plymouth, Massachusetts Colony tried Communism first, how it failed them miserably, and how they discovered that they were happier and more productive when they could keep what they earned! I like the part at the end where they were able to pay their investors back in full even with a 45% interest rate! Such a simple but such a profound lesson we could all benefit from today as we approach Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

What are they thinking


Two men were breaking rocks in a field. They had been hired to break them and make two piles to be cleared so that the crops could be planted. They both worked all day. At the end of the day, one of the men had broken 200 rocks. The other had broken 100 rocks.

When the owner came, he paid them each 100 dollars. Now, the man that broke 100 rocks was very happy, but the man who broke 200 rocks, he was not so happy. He thought to himself, “ I worked twice as hard as him, but his pay was the same as mine. Why should I work so hard when I can work half as hard and get the same reward?”

The next day the two men went back to the field to break rocks again. They worked all day. At the end of the day the owner came and paid them each 100 dollars. They had each broke 100 rocks. They each spent the rest of their days working for the land owner.


Two men were breaking rocks in a field. They had been hired to break them and make two piles to be cleared so that the crops could be planted. They both worked all day. At the end of the day, one man had broken 200 rocks. The other had broken 100 rocks.

When the owner came, he paid one man 100 dollars, and the other he paid 200 dollars. The one who was paid 100 dollars asked why he was paid half as much? The owner said, it is because you did half as much work.

The next day the men went back to the field to break rocks again. They worked all day. At the end of the day the owner came and paid them each 200 dollars. They had each broken 200 rocks. As their days went on, they each found more efficient ways to break the rocks and continually made more money. Soon they bought their own land and hired people to break rocks for them.

(These parables are copy right 2009)

We are all born equal. From that point on it is a matter of talent, motivation, discipline and hard work that decides our lot in life. No two people are the same. If you try to artificially create an equality of outcome in peoples lives, all you do is stifle those who would excel otherwise.

“The Constitution only gives people the right to pursue happiness. You have to catch it yourself.” ~Ben Franklin.

The other day someone made a comment to me. They said, "There is no reason anyone needs to make more than 250,000 dollars a year". Judging by their comments, I unavoidably came to the conclusion that they believe Government should control and cap how much people make. After all, who else could suppress success other than the Fed? I use to get into heated arguments with people when it came to these types of statements, but after telling a client ( not my client), "If you think this country is so bad, you should take advantage of one of the rights we have as American citizens and get the hell out, there are plenty of countries that have the kind of system you're trying to impose on me", and getting a phone call from my boss, who told me I can't tell clients to get the hell out of the country, I decided to take a different path. Now, instead of getting into heated debates at work when someone tries to bait me into a political argument, I just ask them a simple question like, " What are the enumerated powers of the Constitution?" When they look at me with a blank stare or say, "I don't know", I say, "Then you don't know enough to talk to me about the issue".

Now, to address this comment about how much someone needs. Truly, all anybody needs is shelter, heat, food and clothing. If you have a place to live, a wood burning stove, a place to plant vegetables, a few chickens, a cow, and a rifle for hunting, you're set. You NEED no more. Past that everything you have is not needed. If you own a flat screen T.V, or for that matter, any T.V, you don't need it. Get my point? I could walk into any of these people's houses and point out many things they don't NEED. It is the height of arrogance to have things you don't NEED, and tell others they don't need any more than you have.

If one of these people were called into the office by their boss, and told that they were doing a great job and they were getting a promotion, and their pay was being raised to 300,000 dollars a year, how many of them would say, " No,I only need 250,000 dollars a year? How many of these people, upon finding out they won 3 million dollars, would say, "No, I don't need that much". Hypocrites!!!

The fact is, that human nature dictates that most people will stop achieving when they reach a level at which there is no more reward. If I developed a special product that people wanted, and the profit on this item was 1 dollar per unit sold, and built a factory, and hired people to make this product, and made 250,000 dollars in the first 3 months I was in business, why would I keep working for the rest of the year if I already reached the maximum amount of money I could make? I would just close shop and all my employees would be unemployed for the rest of the year. Why would Bill Gates keep coming up with better computer programs if his income was limited? Limit reward and you limit creativity and the desire to progress!!! And, if individual income was limited, who would get the profit over and above the cap, the Government? The same Government who has had 5 decades to a century to get things like the post office, social security, medicaid, medicare, and Amtrak right? Every one of those things are going broke. Or how about the federal governments war on poverty? Trillions of dollars spent over 7 decades, and the percentage of poverty is higher than it was when they started? Tell me, who gets that money? After all the corruption, waste, and failures of the Fed, are their still people who want these reprehensables in Washington to take more from us? Who are these people?

Thomas Jefferson said, if you want people to overcome poverty, make them uncomfortable in poverty, for when you make them comfortable in poverty, in poverty is where they will remain.

Our Constitutional Republic and our system of capitalism has created more wealth than any other system that has ever existed in recorded history. In every system of government there are rich and poor, but in this system, as opposed to other systems, all it takes is a good idea and a good work ethic to become rich. This is the essence of freedom and liberty

So, if you believe in caps on wealth, then just stay wherever you are, but I warn you, in my quest to succeed, do not be the one to try to hold me down!!!!

This is Paul Revere warning you, "THE RED COATS ARE COMING."

Monday, November 16, 2009

I'm Not a Social Reformer I'm Here to Preach the Gospel

Click on the title to read a thought provoking article that challenges us to think about how we approach missionary work overseas. I think it also challenges us to think about how we spread the Gospel here at home too. Are we just supposed to tell people about Jesus? Or do we go further and show people how Jesus can change their lives? At what point do we cross the culturally correct boundary and challenge people to think differently about their lives? Can we be respectful of other cultures and spread the gospel at the same time?

It seems to me that the missionary in this article had found his comfort zone. How much more of a difference he would make if he would step out in faith, establish real relationships with people, and share his story about how Jesus changed his life. I think he could do this and still be respectful of the culture. If you are reading this please let me hear from you. Is this missionary appropriate in his approach? Or should he come out of his comfort zone and boldly proclaim his message?

Saturday, November 14, 2009

CAIR Boasts of Influence on Media after Fort Hood

Click on the title to read the article and interview. No doubt about it, CAIR thinks it won the day by influencing the media to reflect a positive image of Islam after the most horrific of attacks on American soil since Sept 11 2001. Remember how I mentioned in a previous post that they were out there immediately condemning the shootings? Then they have the nerve to describe Hasan the shooter as being non-devout! Hellooo! According to the Koran, it is the devout Muslims that engage in jihad! True Islam demands jihad but don't take my word for it. Read the Koran and see for yourself. Don't allow yourself to be fooled by an organization cut off by the FBI for its ties to Hamas and above all don't let a spokesman who himself has ties to Hamas convince you that Islam is a peaceful non-violent religion.

The Scourge of Political Correctness

Click on the title to hear Brigitte Gabriel, founder of Act! for America and the author of They Must Be Stopped, talk about the Ft Hood Shooting. She has some great insights on how it happened and how it could have been prevented.

Jihadists Playing Us for Suckers

This article by Cal Thomas came in a recent email from Act! For America. It is printed here in its entirety.

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Jihadists Playing Us for Suckers

It is heartening to watch more and more commentators, pundits and analysts now making the same points that Brigitte Gabriel has been making for years. Better late than never! If all goes according to plan, we should have a special email alert to send to you tomorrow. Stay tuned…
November 10, 2009 Jihadists In Military Playing U.S. for Suckers by Cal Thomas

By now, the script should be disturbingly familiar. Whether in the Middle East, or increasingly in America, a fanatical Muslim blows up or goes on a shooting spree, killing many. This is quickly followed by "condemnations" from "Muslim civil rights groups," like the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR). We are then warned by the president and some newspaper editorials not to jump to conclusions, or to stereotype. Yasser Arafat wrote this script, which he used with great success throughout his bloody career as a terrorist. Suddenly, the issue of gays in the military doesn't seem as important as jihadists in the military. If you were an enemy of America, not only would you fight overseas and develop nuclear weapons (Iran), you would also engage in an even more effective strategy by striking at America's underbelly. This is our most vulnerable region because we now tolerate virtually everything, indulge in political correctness and subscribe to a bogus belief that if radical Islamists can see we mean them no harm, they will mean us no harm. The federal government at all levels has hired and promoted Muslims to influential positions. It requires "sensitivity training" for federal employees, including those who work at the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). Last week, the House Judiciary Committee, dominated by liberal Democrats, defied the White House and removed from the USA Patriot Act a tool for tracking non-U.S. citizens in anti-terrorism investigations. As our enemies grow stronger and more emboldened, they see us becoming weaker and less committed. No amount of evidence -- from Koran verses urging the killing of "infidels," to cries of "God is great," reportedly shouted by the alleged Ft. Hood shooter, Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan -- will cure our self-deception. Sun Tzu famously wrote that all war is deception. But it takes two to deceive and the United States is behaving like a willing partner. People claiming to know Hasan told interviewers he made frequent statements against the wars and the U.S. presence in Islamic countries. Texas Republican Rep. Michael McCaul, told reporters after he was briefed on the shootings that Hasan "took a lot of advanced training in shooting." Why would a psychiatrist need advanced training in shooting unless he believed in murder as therapy? Shouldn't that, coupled with his statements about "the aggressor" and other actions -- including his preference for Muslim clothing -- have alerted someone in authority that he might be a time bomb waiting to go off? Yes, absolutely. But who wants to jeopardize a career by raising such questions and becoming the target of "civil rights groups" and politically correct dupes? Intimidating Americans into silence when they know better is also a very effective strategy when fighting a war. Sound minds not brainwashed by our own "re-educators" should have seen this coming. Though born in America to Jordanian immigrant parents, Hasan described himself as a "Palestinian." He got into trouble by attempting to proselytize some of his patients. Most top federal agencies, including the Pentagon and DHS, now have offices of "civil liberties," offices recommended by the 9/11 Commission to focus on "outreach" to the Muslim community. In this, they follow efforts by the Bush administration, which dispatched Karen Hughes to tell Muslim women in Saudi Arabia that American women are so free they can drive their own cars. The Saudi women were not impressed. It's one thing to be suckered by others. It's quite another to sucker yourself. How much longer will we tolerate fighting this war as if it were a minor crime wave? Our enemies are fighting to win and they are fighting everywhere, including within our borders. People trained to appear non-threatening, until the threat becomes obvious and it is too late to do anything about it, are infiltrating our government and society at every level. It is irrelevant that some have put the number of radicalized Muslims worldwide at 10 percent. Even if that figure is accurate, one hundred million jihadists can cause a lot of damage, as they plot the destruction of Western democracies. Other wars have been won with far fewer soldiers and far fewer dupes.

"Jihad Denial Syndrome" Exposed

Here is a copy of an email, printed in its entirety, that I received from Act!forAmerica, an organization dedicated to the truth about Islam and jihad. I believe it makes some very important points about the culture of political correctness that we have nurtured in our society to the point where it could be deadly.

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“Jihad Denial Syndrome” Exposed

The facts are emerging. The warning signs were there. Story after story is breaking new information. Even some in the “establishment media,” such as ABC News, have produced news segments revealing the evidence that Nidal Hasan was a radical Islamist. The FBI had seen warning signs. So had the CIA and the Joint Terrorism Task Force. Numerous fellow officers had witnessed Hasan make statements, even during presentations he gave, that should have set off alarm bells. Some of the latest news to come out is that Hasan had been in communication with an al Qaeda imam — and authorities knew it and dismissed Hasan’s contacts with the conclusion that he was doing “research” for a thesis! The tapestry of jihad being pieced together has prompted Senate Homeland Security Committee Chairman Joe Lieberman to call for hearings to investigate who knew what, when, and why action was not taken. How is it possible that so many warning signs and red flags were ignored, rationalized, or dismissed? There are at least two reasons. The first is that too many in leadership in our country, whether in government, the military, or counterterrorism, do not want to connect the dots between the jihadist ideology, so clearly permeating the holy books of Islam, and the act of jihad. ACT! has been exposing this failure ever since its founding. Dr. Walid Phares, during his presentation at the American Congress for Truth webcast conference “Radical Islam’s Threat to America” (held this past Saturday), stated astonishingly that eight years after 9/11 there is still widespread denial in our government about who the enemy is and why the enemy acts as he does. This may help explain why, on the day of the Ft. Hood massacre, the FBI released a statement declaring “this was not a terrorist act.” How could they “rush to judgment” with such a faulty claim so quickly? Answer: “Jihad Denial Syndrome.” The second reason is linked to the first, which we discussed in our email alert yesterday — a culture of political correctness. College campuses, Hollywood and television, and much of the “establishment media” are principal drivers of this culture of political correctness. In this worldview, there is a denial of fact and evidence that literally boggles the mind. Our jihadist enemies throughout the world don’t hide the jihadist ideology — they celebrate it. It’s there for all the world to see — if it wants to. Too many of our leaders don’t want to. Another enforcer of this political correctness is organizations like CAIR, the Council on American-Islamic Relations. For years CAIR has bullied, browbeat, intimidated and smeared anyone who dares to speak the truth about radical Islam. (See our petition calling for a government investigation of CAIR.) Last Thursday night, CAIR Executive Director Nihad Awad denounced the violence — and then emphasized that this had nothing to do with Islam. So did other representatives of other Islamist organizations. In other words, they didn’t denounce the Islamist, jihadist ideology that led to the violence. Indeed, they in effect denied such an ideology existed. Awad was crystal clear when he stated, falsely, that no religion or ideology could justify such an atrocity. And in doing so these Islamist enforcers of political correctness fired a warning shot across the bow of the media, the military and the government. They were making it clear that politically correct “Jihad Denial Syndrome” must be adhered to. Eleven days ago ACT! for America launched a national petition calling for a government investigation of CAIR, due to the mounting revelations of CAIR misdeeds and ties to terrorist organizations. This petition is even more important now, in the aftermath of Ft. Hood. Why? Because America can no longer afford to be held hostage to a politically correct “Jihad Denial Syndrome” by a terrorist-tainted organization like CAIR. This is why we continue to urge you, if you haven’t already done so, to sign our petition calling for a government investigation of CAIR. Senator Lieberman is doing the right thing by convening hearings to investigate the Ft. Hood terrorist act. We can’t change the culture of political correctness overnight, or the “Jihad Denial Syndrome” that political correctness has helped spawn. But we are not powerless. There are actions we can take. Join us today in signing the petition calling for a government investigation of CAIR. One talk show host said this morning that political correctness can be annoying, even silly, but at Ft. Hood it was deadly. Go to for more information about ACT for America and its role as an issues and advocacy organization dedicated to effectively organizing and mobilizing the most powerful grassroots citizen action network in America, a grassroots network committed to informed and coordinated civic action that will lead to public policies that promote America’s national security and the defense of American democratic values against the assault of radical Islam. We are only as strong as our supporters, and your volunteer and financial support is essential to our success. Thank you for helping us make America safer and more secure. The news items, blogs, educational materials and other information in our emails and on our website are only intended to provide information, news and commentary on events and issues related to the threat of radical Islam. Much of this information is based upon media sources, such as the AP wire services, newspapers, magazines, books, online news blog and news services, and radio and television, which we deem to be reliable. However, we have undertaken no independent investigation to verify the accuracy of the information reported by these media sources. We therefore disclaim all liability for false or inaccurate information from these media sources. We also disclaim all liability for the third-party information that may be accessed through the material referenced in our emails or posted on our website.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Mosques Seized

Click on the title to read more details. I say it's about time!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Obama Stands with Dictators and Muslims

Obama Stands with Dictators and Muslims Read this article and, if you saw him speak at the Ft Hood memorial service today, tell me if you think that speech was the real Obama. He said all the right words. I hope he meant them. But when I read things like this I wonder. All I know is the troops need to have faith in their Commander-In-Chief. I hope he turns from his current path and starts putting American interests and his troops interest first. Our survival depends upon it.

Fatal Reluctance to Recognize Evil

Click on the title to read a great discussion of how political correctness currently trumps leadership, good judgement and discipline creating a vulnerable situation. Diversity is key but efforts to preserve it should not be job one.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Fort Hood: Let's Drop the Political Correctness

Click on the title to read a great article about the importance of getting beyond political correctness in our dealings with Islam.

Pelosi Bill Protects, Aids Trial Lawyers

Click on the title to see what is in store for states that do and don't follow the rules for malpractice caps. Nice way to support those trial lawyers that helped get Obama elected. What happened to not pandering to special interest groups? Another lie, another promise broken. How much are we going to take? How long are we going to take it?

Radical Imam Praises Fort Hood Shooter

To be expected I guess.

Just Completely Messed Up

Amazing how the media can twist things so badly that victims get blamed instead of perpetrators. How messed up can you get to think that the Ft Hood shooter is the victim instead of the perpetrator? Who shot the gun that killed 13 people minding their own business preparing for deployment overseas? Political correctness is a disease without a cure and it has infected the highest levels of our government and military.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Lieberman Says He Will Vote No on Health Care Bill

If it contains a public option. Dare we hope?

What the Pelosi Care Bill Really Says

Click on the title to read a Wall Street Journal article about some pretty shocking things in the Pelosi Bill that we should all be aware of. There is also a link to the entire bill. Pay particular attention to how Medicare will be gutted and restructured. Note how the government will decide what is a "qualified plan" and what care and treatments we will get. Also take note of how illegal aliens will not be required to show ID proof that they are in a qualified plan when they file their taxes. Oh...wait a illegals even file taxes? But I digress! When I read this I had a hard time keeping from throwing up. And to think we allowed such a bill to come to a vote! We should all be ashamed of ourselves for allowing our government to get so power hungry that they actually passed this trash!

Obamacare Endorsements: What the Bribe Was

Click on the title to read a great article about how Obama very neatly bribed the AMA and AARP into endorsing Pelosi Care/Obama Scare. Pretty sad! Just goes to show you that Obooboo wants to win at any cost. This is all about power, not about people. What a mess! Glad I tore up my AARP card years ago.

Pelosi Bill Taxes--45% Rate; Small Businesses Hit Hard

When I read this article I found it incredible that anybody would think that this would be good for our country and that anybody could actually afford taxes like this. I would like to hear from any business owners who are actually making the amount of profit needed to afford such a tax hike. Please explain to me how you will be able to stay in business under such a tax burden.
Someone--anyone--explain to me how our country can continue to prosper with such high taxes. Tell me how small businesses will survive. Tell me how America will survive without a strong small business sector. I welcome your comments!

Conspiracy or not? 2nd American revolution?

I read an article about the growth of State militias today. There was a quote by the Southern Poverty Law Center. It basically said that the growing State militia movement, was in large part do to crazy conspiracy theories of a Marxist take over of our Government and a movement towards a One World Government. Now, I have an extensive education. I went all the way through the 11th grade. Well, half way through. But I know all my guzzinta's all the way up to 10. I'll prove it. 1 guzzinta 1 once, 1 guzzinta 2 twice, do I need to go on? I don't think so. Anyway, my intellectual curiosity got the best of me, and I decided to do some research on this subject.
Now, we all know that these militias are just a bunch of racists who go around yelling about the South rising again and all that, right? Wrong! The first thing I noticed when I typed State Militias into google was that most of these sights today, have nothing to do with race. In fact, one of them, in the very first paragraph said, "All races, all cultures, all Religions, all American".
Now, I will admit their agendas sounded dangerous. I mean, they were saying things like, "traditional American values, small government, state rights, liberty, freedom". They actually had the nerve to mention the Constitution. My God, they sound like so many radical terrorists of the past, you know, guy's like Samuel Adams, John Adams, James madison, Ben Franklin, and the worst of them all, George Washington. Imagine that. Their mission statement is to, " Keep our country from ever falling into a dictatorship". Oh my God, fight against a dictatorship, who would want to do that? Oh yeah, those guys I mentioned above. Heaven's to Betsey, I forgot about them.
O.k, now that we have established that all these militias are nothing but radical, racist, revolutionaries, like those other guy's in the past, let's check out the claim about crazy conspiracy theories.
Certainly our President and our House of Reprehensibles, oop's, sorry, I meant representatives. Anyway, they certainly aren't trying to turn our country into a Marxist system of government. I mean, a Marxist system of government controls the means of production and distribution of business. Oh, wait a minute, they did take over General Motors, banks, the mortgage industry, and the credit industry. But, thats not all industry. Now let's see, they did say they have the power to take over any business they deem "to big to fail" if they FEEL it has become "not viable". But a Marxist government controls wages, don't they? Well, our government has legislated a minimum wage and capped the salaries of people in the banking and financial industries. And there is that pesty crap and tax, opps, my bad, I mean cap and trade legislation they are trying to pass. That would give them control over distribution and production over everything else, wouldn't it? And there is that nasty National Health Care legislation that would take over around 16% of our economy. O.k, but in a Marxist system of government they would control the media and freedom of speech, right?. Now that can't be happening, can it? O.k, there is the fairness doctrine which would put talk radio out of business, and they are discussing the power to regulate the airwaves and the internet, and they are going forward with "hate speech" legislation, which would effect what we can say. Well, in a marxist society the government would own all the land, wouldn't they? Then, there is the fact that the government owns 90% of all the new mortgages for home buyer's, and they are declaring more and more land to be federal land. O.k, it looks bad, but no Marxist government would allow the right to private ownership of guns as given us in the second amendment, would they? Well, the democrats in Congress currently have numerous bills pending that severely restrict the ability of a law abiding citizen to own fire arms. Besides the tests, the invasion of privacy and the heavy taxes that would be required to own a gun, they will heavily restrict what kind of fire arms would be legal and illegal, and Congresswoman Diane Feinstien was quoted as having said, " We are waiting till after the 2010 elections because we don't want 52 blue dog democrats to lose their seats as they did under Bill Clinton. After that we will go full force to legislate a federal gun registry and a federal no carry law". This would mean that the federal government would know where every LEGAL gun in the nation is, and that no one would be able to carry a gun outside of their house. Well, wait a minute, we would still have the right to own fire arms, right? Well, here is the rest of her statement. " Our eventual goal is the ban of all privately owned fire arms". O.k, so the militias, the teabaggers, libertarians and Conservatives might be right about the government going all " Karl Marx" on us, but they are certainly wacko when it comes to this "One World Government" thing, right? Well, there is that U.N agreement which would "outlaw hate speech" which Barrack Obama is in favor of. But wait a minute. There's nothing in there that mentions a one world government, even though the international court would have the power to convict and punish anyone, from any country, they believe committed the "crime" of hate speech. Well, let's take a look at the Copenhagen environmental agreement, which our White House Resident, oop's, there I go again. I mean White House President, Barrack Obama favors. This agreement calls for a "world governing body", ( There's that world government thing), which would have the power to control and tax all business and commerce around the world. In fact, the U.S, under this agreement would be required to pay an "adaptation tax" to 3rd world countries. Sounds to me like we are about to give up our national sovereignty.
There is a recognized pattern of the rise and fall of all Democracies that have existed in recorded history. Here it is:
1- They start in bondage, as we did.
2-They have a spiritual awakening which gives people courage, and they fight for liberty, which we did.
3-They become prosperous and gain a high standard of living, which we did.
4-They became complacent, believing that their country could never fall to dictatorship. Sound like anyone you know?
5-They became apathetic, no longer paying attention to what their governing body was doing, and were easily swayed by populist propaganda. They no longer cared about the principles that created their prosperity and gave them their freedoms, as we have. A perfect example of this is a recent interview of a Congressman with Judge Napolitano. When asked by Napolitano where the Constitution gives the Federal Government the power to create a national health care program, he replied, " There's nothing in the Constitution that gives us this power, but most of the things we do have nothing to do with the Constitution".
6-The next step is dependency. With 35% of our population depending on, and demanding government handouts, and 60% of our population receiving some king of goodies from the federal government, and 45% of our population not paying any income tax, we are surely at this point.
7-Civil unrest. You can clearly see that we are at this point. With half the country protesting against government take over's, and half the country demanding big government, we have a dangerous divide in our country. Wait a minute, wasn't Obama supposed to bring us together?
8-When civil unrest threatens the political agendas of the countries leaders, for the "safety of all citizens and the security of the nation" the government sends in the military and the police to squash the protests, and guess what, we are back to........
There are clearly certain things that caused the fall of all democracies. In my opinion these are those things.
1-Loss of common culture
2-Loss of a common language
3-Loss of common morals
4-Inability to protect borders
5-Fiscal irresponsibility by the senate or other leaders
We are suffering all of these things.
Our Founders risked everything, and Patriots shed their blood, all to free us from an over controlling, over regulating, over taxing government. I believe if they were alive today, they would be loading their muskets, just as they did back then.
So, as far as crazy conspiracy theories, if it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and walks like a duck, it's NOT AN EAGLE. To anyone who is intellectually honest, it is obvious what is happening to our country. If you don't like it, it's time to make your voices heard. If our country goes the way of all other Democracies in recorded history, I advise all who backed these government policies, and especially all those politicians who pushed these policies through, to move to one of those liberal States like New York, California, Massachusetts, you know what I'm talking about, because when the fall comes, you will find it very uncomfortable living around the real folks. We will not forget who you are!!!

This is Paul Revere reminding you, 'THE RED COATS ARE COMING"

The Brave Little Toaster

Click on the title to read a wonderful uplifting article about movies, world views, and God's view. It's all about how the favorite childhood movie The Brave Little Toaster reflects many uplifting biblical themes and principles when you look at the movie through God's eyes. The author emphasizes the importance of trying to see all of creation through God's eyes. I agree because when I do this I see and understand things in ways that I never would have before. The secret is desiring to see things as God sees them and I confess that I don't always really desire to see things his way. But when I let go, even just a little, a miracle happens--my eyes are opened and my heart is changed. I am realizing more and more each day that viewing all of creation through God's eyes is key to living in both good and bad times. It will be essential to suriving--even thriving--during the chaotic times ahead. What a difference it would make in our world today!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

POLITICO: Dems sources: 218 is on the way - Live Pulse - Dems sources: 218 is on the way

POLITICO: Dems sources: 218 is on the way - Live Pulse - Dems sources: 218 is on the way Oh dear! Now it is up to the senate to decide our fate. May God have mercy on us.

Fort Hood Disaster Raises Critical Issues

Click on the title to read a great article by Tawfik Hamid, the author of Inside Jihad. Dr Hamid is an Islamic scholar and a reformer of Islam. I found his comments very insightful and I think you will too. It is very important for all of us to educate ourselves about Islam because a deeper understanding of the nature of militant violent Islam could save our lives.

Marsha Blackburn Speaks Out Against the Health Care Reform Bill

Some people were concerned that she might vote for this bill so I thought I would post this to clear things up. Hope it helps. As of this writing there is no Republican support for the Health Care Bill.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Classmate: Hasan said terror fight a war on Islam

Classmate: Hasan said terror fight a war on Islam The military and the mainstream media may not think this shooting was related to jihad but I think it is becoming very clear that Hasan thought it was.

The Return of the Inflation Tax

Click on the title to read an excellent article from the Wall Street Journal about inflation taxes and how they will eventually filter to the middle class. If you are in your twenties you should pay particular attention because this tax will hurt you most of all. Read it and then call your congressman and tell them not to vote for Pelosi Care!

Dems Don't Have The Votes-Vote Delayed

Click on the article for more details and keep up the pressure on your reps!! Great job everybody!!

Sgt Kimberly Munley Hailed as Hero After Fort Hood Shooting

Click on the title to read the Wall Street Journal article about Sgt Munley shooting the perpetrating even as she was shot herself. I say put her in for a medal immediately! Kudos to you Sgt Munley--because of you many lives were saved. God Bless You!

DIV class=tweetit sizcache="11" sizset="7"A class="retweet vert" title="" href="" target=_blankSTRONG class=vert21 /STRONGSPAN class=vertEM♻/EMRetweet/SPAN/A/DIVFort Hood Updates

DIV class=tweetit sizcache="11" sizset="7"A class="retweet vert" title="" href="" target=_blankSTRONG class=vert21 /STRONGSPAN class=vertEM♻/EMRetweet/SPAN/A/DIVFort Hood Updates Wow, looks like Sgt Munley should get a medal for heroism don't you think?

Jihad at Fort Hood – by Robert Spencer

Jihad at Fort Hood – by Robert Spencer This is a thoughtful, well-done article about the perpetrator of the awful events at Ft Hood yesterday. As I find them I will post more articles like this because I am afraid that the mainstream media and even Fox News is not addressing the jihad link. As citizens we need to take a serious look at what jihad can possibly mean for our society. If this doesn't wake us up what will it take? Did you happen to notice how quickly CAIR put out a statement condemning his actions and saying they had nothing to do with Islam? Sorry people, if you believe that I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you.

The Ultimate Fifth Column

Click on the title to read about jihadist infiltration into every branch of the military and government. Brigitte Gabriel and Guy Rogers of Act! For America as well as the authors of Muslim Mafia have long warned about such infiltration and the evidence is more and more convincing. Check out for more details. There's a lot we don't know about what happened at Ft Hood but the picture that is emerging of the perpetrator is certainly troubling.