Saturday, May 23, 2009

US Debt Clock

Click on the title for a really cool visual of the US debt. Or it would be really cool if it weren't really really frightening! Obama has admitted that our country is "out of money" but he still thinks the answer is to spend more money and create more debt. It is as if he is thinking " so what if the country doesn't have any money? The taxpayers do--I'll get it from them! I know let's start with those making over 250,000 a year. They have plenty of money. Oh-oh! All those high paying jobs went away when corporations, banks and companies closed. Now what'll I do? I know! We'll just have to go to the middle class even though I promised their taxes wouldn't be raised. Oh-oh! Look what happened! All those people lost their jobs when the banks, corporations and companies closed. Well we'll just have to get it from poor people even though they don't have any money at all. There have to be some taxpayers out there with money! We will hunt them down and bleed them dry til we get it! My programs have to work no matter what!!" Ok ok I'll stop now--you get my drift. I admit get carried away when I think about Obama's version of trickle down economics. The bottom line is that everyone in America needs to think about where the money will come from--us, the taxpayers--before we support any new programs. It is up to us to put the brakes on his runaway spending train! We need to contact our reps and let them know we won't tolerate massive debt and reckless spending! The more people who speak up the better chance they will listen but we need to act fast--we don't have much time!

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