Sunday, May 17, 2009

Obama Calls For Understanding in Notre Dame Speech

This is stone cold outrageous. In his commencement speech at Notre Dame today, Obama called for have open minds...toward the abortion issue. This is the height of arrogance! Essentially he is asking those who feel abortion is morally wrong--that it is murder--to change their minds, to be more accepting, to fall in line with his beliefs. Well Mr Obama, you can stick it in your ear. You and the Notre Dame officials that invited you are so determined to be politically correct that you can't see that your pro abortion stance does women and men far more harm than good. How tragic!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This call for for understanding is actually a call for blinding. Blinding people to what true murder is. Blinding people to taking a strong moral stand. That it's ok to fudge the lines and we as mere mortals can decide for ourselves what is life and whether that life has a right. It is astounding to me that Obama can be so cavaliere about an innocent (yet to be born )life and advocates the death of these innocents and yet fights so profusely for the preservation of, not only the lives, but the "rights" of the people who have been working diligently to kill all of America, the very nation he is commander and chief.