Friday, May 15, 2009

Obama's Health Care Rationing

So he finally admits the truth about his health care plan that he didn't want to quite unveil during his campaign. Click on the title to read the editorial. Obama sure has a sweet pretty way of speaking ugly truths. As a nurse practitioner, I find his words particularly chilling and insulting when he says "there's always going to be an asymmetry of information between patient and provider...and part of what I think the government can do effectively is to be an honest broker in assessing and evaluating treatment options." He's gotta be kidding right?? I mean, does he honestly think the government would do a better job than our doctors and nurses in providing care and explaining our treatment options? The answer is...yes he does. Not only that he is perfectly poised and fully prepared to foist the government on us as our ultimate primary health care provider. Once his plan goes into effect, our doctors will no longer be our partners in our care...they will simply be minions carrying out the wishes of the government. But as bad as this is, it isn't the worst. The worst is the rationing of care that will ultimately be the result of this plan. Those of us who are baby boomers should pay close attention to what he has to say about the aging and chronically ill--"I think there is going to have to be a conversation that is guided by doctors, scientists, ethicists. And then there is going to have to be a very difficult democratic conversation that takes place. It is very difficult to imagine the country making these decisions just through the normal political channels." Make no mistake, health care rationing is part of the deal Obama wants us to swallow, hook, line and sinker. He has sweetened it with pretty words, hoping to gently lead us to the truth and hoping we won't really think about what he is saying. We as Americans must wake up to what is happening and think about the true meaning of his words. We must understand that rationing ultimately will be part of government solution to health care and we MUST ACT NOW to stop it from happening. This is our only chance. The deadline is July 31st. Contact your reps and let them know that you are not fooled by Obama's pretty words. Say NO to rationing!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OMG This is just awful! This is truly the worst case senario. I can't believe Obama has the nerve to say the gov't - a cold distant impersonal source -- can actually do better than a doctor or nurse who is physically by your side to assess the situation and make appropriate diagnosis. This is the ultimate insult to the medical field who have studied for years and have treated people one on one.
I can only see this decision by Obama to go the way of health care in Britain and Canada, where these people flee to our country to get the medical help they need at an appropriate time and with the best means possible because their own gov't has let them down horribly. Socialized health care is a death sentence to the very weak, the old, the young, the very ill. You are on your own.
Without America, so many would be dead or suffering terribly. This is what we are destined for if we don't fight Obama's agenda.