Friday, May 8, 2009

Karma Happens Mr President

Click on the above title to see a great political cartoon. Political cartoons are a permanent fixture in the life of any political figure, especially the President. It's something you just have to deal with and get used to. It is all a part of growing the thick skin you need to get through the day and to do the right thing. Time will tell if Obama is learning that it is all on him now. He has a lot to learn about how other nations see us. People have friends, states have interests. This cartoon is a sign of how important it will be for Obama to learn that it is not enough to be liked. As a leader it is just as important, if not more, to be respected. Our entire foreign policy depends on him learning this basic fact. Let's pray he "gets it" soon.

1 comment:

trumpetgirl said...

Beware President Obama. Your pretty face will not get you through th3e real hard times. you will one day have to face the truth.