Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Americans targeted for Jihad recruitment

Pretty scary! Click on the title for a news story about Jihad recruitment tactics targeted to Americans. What is even more frightening to me is the possibility that Americans would fall for this stuff. The Islamic Jihad movement has found an ally in our right to religious freedom and expression (Article I, The Constitution of the United States). They want us to believe that we are infringing on their rights if we speak out against them. At what point do we stop fearing being called racist and Islam haters and stand against the Islamatization of our country? Look at what is happening to Britain and other European countries. We in America would still like to believe that we can all live peacefully and respect each others' religious beliefs. But the world has changed. If you want to more fully understand Islam and the nature of the threat we face, I recommend you read They Must Be Stopped by Brigette Gabriel. It will open your eyes but be forewarned. You will never think about Islam the same way again.

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