Friday, June 26, 2009

Thoughts on Health Care Reform

Click on the title for a great discussion on how this administration's public health care plan compares to the Clinton plan from 1993. The author makes a good argument that health care reform has far more consequences than cap and trade because we can repeal cap and trade once we figure out it is a dumb idea. He seems to think that once we accept national health care there would be no turning back. I agree with him that government run health care would be worse than cap and trade for many reasons. But the biggest reason I think this is because the government would be intruding in our lives on the most personal level imaginable--our right to make our own health care decisions for ourselves and our loved ones. If we go to national health care our freedom of choice concerning health care would be gone forever. Besides if we go to national health care where will everyone who can't get the care they need in their own countries go? My my, oh dear oh dear! Check out that clause that allows for Canadians to get reimbursed for heath care obtained in the states! And pay very close attention to the first comment about what is actually covered under the Canadian plan--very revealing!

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