Monday, June 1, 2009

GOP to Roll Over for Sotomayor?

There is so much being written and spoken about Sotomayor's nomination to the Supreme Court that I hardly know where to begin. Click on the link to this post from Hot Air to get an idea of how I feel about this situation. The author says it all better than I can at this point. All you GOP reps and leaders out there should particularly check out the comments, as they all state how I feel about GOP reps rolling over on this nomination.

I particularly agree with the commenter austinnelly who states that she (Sotomayor) will be confirmed but we should make the dems work for it. I agree, make them sweat and bleed. Get every last detail about this woman's record out on the table. Get it on tape. That way when our children and grandchildren ask us how someone like her could have been confirmed to the Supreme Court we can look back and at least say we fought like hell to keep it from happening. They will know we stood up for our principles so that we could pass them on to future generations who will need them to fight the inevitable injustice and tyranny that will result from the type of court she will represent. In the meantime find out all you can about Sotomayor. Check out the website Contact your senators and insist that they stand up for their principles and cast their vote according to her record and nothing else.

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