Friday, June 19, 2009

Census Workers Marking GPS Coordinates of US Homes

Wow...scary to think about and apparently it is true according to the US Census website. Click on the title to read the article. Seems a bit over the top and intrusive, no doubt done in the name of efficiency, modernization and all that sort of thing. I agree with the author, it is not exactly what our forefathers had in mind when they wrote The Constitution. Would they have written it the same way had they been able to see this far into the future? It's hard to say, but one thing I do know is that technology is neutral. Whether it is used for benign or malevolent purposes depends entirely on the user. That is why it is so critically important to elect the right people to office, the people who will ultimately control technology that will effect us all. Can you imagine GPS technology in the hands of ACORN or maybe even a world police? No place to run, no place to hide!

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