Thursday, June 25, 2009

Analysis:Why Do Politicians Cheat?

Click on the title to read a great article with some fascinating insights as to why politicians cheat. I agree with the author that deep self love coupled with the need for recognition and adoration is a huge reason at the heart of why politicians (and people in general) cheat. The bottom line is that they lack a true servant heart. They can't see beyond themselves and their own desires and happiness. If our leaders had true servant hearts what a difference it would make in our government! How does one obtain a servant heart? By realizing, as Rick Warren in his awesome book The Purpose Driven Life would tell us, that it is not about us. Our existence on this earth is for one purpose and one purpose only and that is to glorify God and to serve Him by serving others. When we start thinking it is for our own happiness we are seriously off track and in trouble. Maybe instead of charisma we should be looking for a servant heart in our current and potential leaders. How many leaders do you think we would find right now?

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