Saturday, June 20, 2009

Jihadist Crashes Memorial for Arkansas Jihad Victim Shouting Jesus Was Muslim

Just when I think I have heard it all, something else comes along to make me think the whole world has just gone nuts. This horrible shooting happened just two and a half hours away from Memphis and the perpetrator was originally from Memphis. Considering this, it is astonishing how little press coverage the incident received. Unfortunately I think we are in for much more of this sort of thing. If after reading this article you still think we should be open to Islam in the name of tolerance and multiculturalism I would love to hear your comments. To all Muslims out there, we infidels might be more inclined to listen to you if you stop abusing women, stop the suicide bombing thing, stop chopping peoples heads off, and stop blowing things up. Above all, don't expect us to believe Islam is a peaceful religion when your actions tell us otherwise. Here in America actions speak louder than words!

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