Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Sotomayor Fits Obama's Get Even Policy

My sister sent this one too. She always finds good information for me! Click on the title to read the article and then contact your senators and demand they not confirm Sotomayor to the Supreme Court. The law should never be partially applied in any circumstance!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Man I love the way this guy writes. He really gets the point out there loud and clear. What worse travesty could we imagine that to have a person like Sotomayor on the bench for a life term?! This takes the very foundation our forefathers put in place and took a sledge hammer to it. She is the antithisist of what true justice is, she is biased and racist and sexist. The image of blind justice has been stripped of her blindfold and her scales now heavily are weighted to the left. I am disgusted. And this all for Obama trying to make a huge name for himself in this pRES. He is arming himself with the very people who are going to bring down this country and he doesn't even see how he's setting his own ship on fire. Trumpet girl