Sunday, November 29, 2009

Obama Grandmama Makes Muslim Pilgrimage

Wait a minute...I thought she was Christian! At least that is what the AP said during the campaign...Oh...that's right...the campaign is over. How could I forget??

My question is won't she have to fear for her safety since she apparently was/is Christian? Aren't only true believing Muslims allowed to make the pilgrimage? Or will her lies and deceit about her faith be viewed as OK as long as it advances the cause of jihad? Hmmmm...she is also the one that said her grandson was born in Kenya. It will be interesting to see if her statements about her faith will be treated the same as her statements about her grandson's birth--dismissed and ignored. Watch for Grandmama Obama to be thrown under the bus.

1 comment:

smrstrauss said...

Re: "her statements about her faith will be treated the same as her statements about her grandson's birth--dismissed and ignored."

She clearly said that Obama was born in HAWAII.

You can hear this if you listen to the complete tape. You can hear her say “America, Hawaii” in response to the question: “Whereabouts was he born?’

Listen to the complete tape, until after the question “Whereabouts was he born?”

This is what the National Review said about the myth that Obama was born in Kenya. "““The theory that Obama was born in Kenya, that he was smuggled into the U.S., and that his parents somehow hoodwinked Hawaiian authorities into falsely certifying his birth in Oahu, is crazy stuff.”