Monday, September 28, 2009

We must have credibility

I was recently told a story that got me pretty upset. I was told a man in a town in Georgia was pulled over by town police because he had a pro 2nd amendment bumper sticker on his car. He was asked by the officer if he had a weapon in his car. He was licensed to carry a gun so he answered yes. As I understood the story, the police officer confiscated his gun. When the citizen called the Mayor to complain, he was told that when you are stopped by a police officer your rights are suspended. This infuriated me. I was ready to write an article about the Marxists taking away our constitutional rights[which is actually happening], but decided to investigate first. Through my investigation, it turns out that the man was pulled over for a traffic infraction. His gun was taken, but as soon as the police checked out his license and made sure he had no warrants, he was given his gun back and let go without even being given a summons. Now, I want you to know that both me and my fiance have carry permits. I own a Lugar 9mm and she owns a 357 Magnum. We also own a 12 gauge shot gun and 2 semi automatic rifles. I am a 2nd amendment defender, but I believe this situation is being made into something when it is really nothing. Our police must make sure they are safe when stopping someone. If this citizens gun was not returned to him immediately once the police knew who they were dealing with, this would be a different article, but making nothing into something like this story does, hurts the credibility of our cause. It is pure propaganda. Let's keep our credibility.

1 comment:

Freedom's Voice said...

Great story with an excellent point about the importance of credibility especially in this face paced news environment. Good on you for taking the time to investigate the story and to find the facts. Your story was all the better for it! Even though it is difficult to maintain credibility in such a fast paced news environment we still must work ever harder to do our best to find the facts. People are hungering for the truth and for unbiased facts. We must try ever more to deliver.