Saturday, September 12, 2009

Thank God for Glenn and Sean

And many more who search out, identify and expose the horrors trying to be swept under the rug by the left wing as if they never existed or they're no big deal.
Thank God for these journalists, authors, researchers who dare to put their neck on the line for the truth.
Good news is, people naturally hunger for truth. That's why Fox News has exploded in their ratings.
Glenn did a great job with his six month challenge and look at the 10's of thousands that came out today Sept 12 with no rioting, tear gas, police nor incarcerations. How beautiful!

Sean recently sent me some info I found helpful. We have a great resource right at Capital Hill that we all should look into.
The Heritage Foundation'
"This is an organizarion that for over 36 years has been showing their allies in Congress how to put conservative principles into ACTION. They have had remarkable successes to move America towards prosperity, traditional values, less oppressive government, and the strength to win the Cold War." this is paraphrased from my letter from Sean.
Here's what one liberal columnist said: " The Heritage Foundation is the mother of all right-wing think tanks in Washington... the operative work here is 'tank,' as in a vehicle that plows through just about everything and keeps on going, no matter what. We are not talking about a bunch of detached professor types sitting around debatin theory; we are talking about WARRIORS WITH PHD'S" . (caps are mine)

I don't know about you but I LOVE THAT! There are Warriors fighting for us through the ridiculous retoric and abundance of double speech. They go through the programs and projections of this administration ( or any administration) with a fine tooth comb analyzing all possibilities, calculating numbers and all outcomes.
They are the MAN!

We all need to be warriors but sometimes we don't know how to fight. This is one way of fighting.
With Obama in the WH, more leftist plans are cutting at us fast. Heritage is stretching its resources. Look into the website and see if this is something you want to support.

May God Bless You All

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