Tuesday, September 29, 2009

POLITICO: Ensign receives handwritten confirmation - Live Pulse - Ensign receives handwritten confirmation

POLITICO: Ensign receives handwritten confirmation - Live Pulse - Ensign receives handwritten confirmation

Shared via AddThis Apparently Senator Ensign received handwritten confirmation that the current Health Care Bill would require us all to have health insurance or pay a fine and possibly serve jail time. My first thought when I read this, before I even read any of the comments (which are much more interesting and telling than the newsclip) was how many jails do they plan to build and how big will they be to hold those who can't or won't buy health insurance no matter how many laws we make?
How can they enforce such laws? We don't have enough law enforcement or prosecuters to even begin to catch everyone! Never mind the fact that this is most likely unconstitutional (see the 10th amendment. Are any of our reps even challenging the constitutionality of this??

By the way, there is one large group of people that have been totally ignored in this whole reform process and that is the homeless most of whom live off the grid. How will you find them all and make them sign up for health care insurance? How will you make them pay for it? Where will they get the money? Stealing it? Trading health care for sex? Picking up cans on the side of the road? Oh I know. Let's build a REALLY big jail and put them all in it. That way they can get free care! Dumb idea? You bet! But no dumber than anything else that's coming out of Washington DC these days.

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