Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Deep Breath In Exhale

I had to take a deep breath before writing this. It is just too astonishing to me that we have all been asleep for so long, blind to the hidden agendas of the progressive movement and have allowed ourselves to be bamboozled by the bureaucrats and politicians for so long.
I blame this on two, well maybe three things:

ONE : after Reagan, the country swelled with wealth and success on a material level-- for some this level of success was hollow because of a lack of meaning or purpose to their lives. The country was glutted with technology fame and fortune which looked good from the outside but had no return to the heart and soul. Material things became an obsession. In the Clinton administration, the nation became complacent. People became apathetic to world events, even though they were soon to strike our homeland, our people, our hearts and souls.

there's no one administration to blame. this has all been a change of events that has been going on for decades. the one undercurrent no one took notice of is Saul Alinskys's formula to totally dismantal the American Constitution. This is the bible that the current progressive operate!

TWO: Our education system became compromised by hidden agendas of left wing liberals who based their ideology of socialism into the text books of our children. Why were children being taught ancient counting systems such as roman numerals and algebra and calculus at the expense of teaching basis accounting? Why weren't children taught to budget and save as is taught in the Hebrew Scriptures? Why was credit card debt pushed on children just starting in college to get their books and tuition paid for just one semester that they would have to pay off for the next 15 years? Why wasn't the benefits of capitalism taught in our schools? We were taught capitalism was the enemy, symbolized by huge corporations with no regard to anything but money. The world was going into a concrete covered world with nothing but sludge and smoke because of capitalism. This is a blatant lie.

Granted we have had industries over step their bounds, but that's why we have our government. And when the people don't like it they can raise a voice! When the people speak, their reps are emboldened to act for them. That how the gov't works for the people! For the people By the people!

THREE: Not only in our education the money issue has been all messed up, but the education of American History and Government has been horribly amiss or absent. There are text books that give more pages to Marilyn Monroe than they do George Washington! We were taught that American Indians were peaceful people that only smoked peace pipes. Well I can tell you the horror stories my grandma told me how they were the peaceful settlers and the Indians trounced them just for the heck of it! Scalping young and old, stealing babies, raping women and killing men, destroying crops and wrecking havok on the settlers lives. The settlers were peaceful, the indians full of war. History has taken a new switch glossy picture compared to the people who actually lived it. Maybe some of us who still remember grandma and grandpa's stories have the true history.

I am a child of the sixties and I can look back and see how all of this has been going on since I was in school. I had to educate myself on American history and government. I had to educate myself on finances and "how money works".
Thankfully we are still in a free society that we can do that: educate ourselves, seek personal freedom, liberate ourselves from the bondage of poverty by seeking answers on our own. This has been accomplished by distinguished people that came from poverty, racial oppression, extreme obstacles of health and finances. These people rose above because they believed in something greater than themselves. They did not put blame nor did they make excuses for their circumstances and look for nor expect someone or something to bail them out. They knew the only way out was their own fight to maintain their integrity, their loyalty, their hope and trust in a power greater than themselves. This is the Beauty of the human spirit. This is the Spirit that America was founded on. This is why so many have flocked to her shores for hundreds of years.

Let the Truth Ring. Let it Ring To Liberate all from the tyranny of Lies and Deceit.
The Founding Fathers based the Constitution of these Great States on basic fundamental beliefs. It is to this we must turn our heads. Research, seek out the meaning; we must do the work to understand and truly believe. Only then will this Constitution survive.
I'm down. Are YOU?

1 comment:

Freedom's Voice said...

You bet I'm down! Well said trumpetgirl!