Monday, January 11, 2010

The System Works When a Dutchman is Onboard

The System Works When a Dutchman is Onboard

Posted using ShareThis When you read this article you will be amazed at the stuff the media is not reporting and even more amazed (if that's possible) at the incompetent ridiculous way the Obama administration is handling this whole affair. It is mind blowing that this guy was allowed to get on a plane with no luggage, and NO PASSPORT. When my husband and I flew home from England last year out of Heathrow airport our passports were carefully scrutinized at four different checkpoints including the INITIAL airport screening. At the boarding gate we, along with everyone else on the flight, were patted down, searched with a wand and our shoes were put through an xray scanner. Needless to say our takeoff was delayed about an hour. And yes they were checking children too. I can only imagine what would have happened if I had been insane enough to tell the ticket agent that I wanted to fly on the plane but didn't have a passport. I would probably be in jail right now as all this happened on a day when Obama was flying in for a summit. It makes sense to me that more than one person could have been involved, that this may have been an orchestrated attack . If so, with the number of red flags missed and the abundant incompetence on all levels it is time for this administration to wake up, get their heads out of dark places and realize the war on terror is still on. The other side hasn't quit fighting.

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