Sunday, October 25, 2009

Swine Flu National Emergency Declaration-What Does It Mean?

Click on the title to read an excellent explanation of the President's National Emergency Declaration that should clear up misconceptions and hopefully dispel the rumors about martial law, etc. that are currently circulating. The declaration is actually limited and purely administrative in nature, put in place in an effort to be pro-active in removing barriers that would keep people from getting timely treatment. There is no mention of or plans for martial law, quarantine or anything else that extreme. Indeed, the circumstances right now do not call for extreme measures. Do we have a big problem? Yes. Is it getting worse? Yes but it is still confined to specific high risk groups. Can the President still declare martial law? Yes he could in the future as he has that authority but he does not have that authority under this particular declaration. The best thing we all can do right now is stay alert, stay informed and do our part to stay healthy and not spread the disease.


Austin Farley said...

I appreciate your post and as a health care provider you are educated enough to know the difference between what is being told and what is. The problem is the media who love the drama that this brings. The media does not report on stories they add their spin to them so as to make them more interesting. Now instead of a little flu bug we have a national "spaz out" thanks to their influence. Obama sees this opportunity and has taken full advantage of the sheeple's ignorance and the media's drama to propel this into the beast it is now. Are you seeing the flu in your practice? I am not seeing anything other than overeaction. I hope you did not take the title of my post too seriously. It was more of a jab at people's foolishness.

Anonymous said...

I wholeheartedly agree with Austin's comment. This is getting blown out of proportion. and while Austin says this is due to the media, we have to remember how much the media plays into Obama's hand. They will do and say anything to make Obama look good and powerful and in control. The media has been hyper driving the direneess of the swine flu, giving leverage to Obama while he is losing respect in some many other areas. If Obama's crying ' the sky is falling' and the media runs around like chickens repeating 'the sky is falling', people are going to believe it's true. Meanwhile the sky is just fine.
I believe this to be true about the swine flu.
It is a fear tactic to get control of the people.
My family is spread all over America from Alaska to NY to NC and everywhere in between and we've all traveled quite a bit. No one in my family, nor my circle of friends, has seen nor experienced the swine flu. How could this be the pandemic they say it is?
As Austin says, I Do believe that the media loves to drum up the drama. The media is also putty in Obama's hands. If Obama says we are in a national emergency, you can bet the media is not going to investigate, just report the words of the almighty annointed one. He wants wants the people to be in fear, it's his way of gaining the ground he has lost on so many other issues. It's also a way of pushing the health Care packsage he so desparately wants. He made campaign promises and he's having a helluva time delivering.
I agree with Austin, 'this little bug has become a beast' and is being used to instill fear in the public and therefore have leverage to manipulate the people. It's the beginnings of a propaganda monster.