Wednesday, October 7, 2009

CURL: Obama distractions sideline Afghan plan - Washington Times

CURL: Obama distractions sideline Afghan plan - Washington Times

Shared via AddThis The hallmark of an effective executive leader is one who is able to set priorities and make decisions based on those priorities. The more chaos, the more critical it becomes to set priorities, stick with them, and delegate those things lower on the list of priorites to others. Our president's lack of executive experience becomes more apparent by the day and I am not sure we can afford much more on-the-job training. Everybody has weaknesses and all good leaders know that when you have weaknesses you are much better served if you surround yourself with advisors who have the skills you lack and learn from them. Less radical ideology and more practical experience would be much more helpful to the president now. Will he wake up to this and seek more executive advisors? Time will tell, but he doesn't have much time left. We can only hope it is not too late.

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