Monday, October 12, 2009

Sunstein: Economic Crises Could Nudge Us Towards Socialism

Well, well, well--click on the title to read more nudging from Comrade Sunstein, our new regulatory czar. Bring on those economic crises so we can get right down to the business of becoming a socialist country! Apparently in Mr Sunstein's opinion, we would be better off as a socialist country. But he seems to ignore three basic facts of history. First fact--our country was founded and settled by people who hated what was going on in Europe and other countries. They didn't like monarchies, dictatorships, famine, disease, poverty, overcrowding in the cities, limited opportunities and just plain being bossed around. The fact that immigrants continue to flock to this country in containers on cargo ships, 18 wheelers, rafts and any other way they can get here seems to be lost on Mr Sunstein. Answer this Mr Sunstein--if this country is so bad why are people still sacrificing and in some cases killing themselves to get here? Ah, perhaps you have hit on the ultimate solution to illegal immigration. If our country becomes just like the countries they are trying to leave, immigrants won't want to come here anymore--yeah, that's it!

The second fact of history Mr Sunstein insist on ignoring is that socialism and communism don't work and this is mainly because of the first fact. People don't really like them and eventually they tend to rebel against them. Socialism would actually be a step backwards for us as a country. It will not make us more prosperous or more productive or more content. We will end up hating it just as much as our ancestors did and we will seek freedom once more. But here is the rub. We already have freedom now. If we throw it away in pursuit of the false promises of socialism and big government, it will be a long, painful process to get it back and there is no guarantee we can get it back at all. It took our fledgling country hundreds of years before we finally realized the dream of freedom and independence. It may take even longer for us to get it back if we let it go this time.

The third fact of history being ignored here by Mr Sunstein and many others is that socialistic governments don't have to be the inevitable result of external forces nudging us. Our very existence as a country proves we can withstand those forces if we have the will to do so. We can proactively push back against the nudging but it will take collective resolve to preserve our current freedoms and way of life. It will take a country full of people awake, alert and aware of the danger we face in losing everything our ancestors fought for. It will take a collective--even a world--dream of a place where everyone can live free. It is up to us as Americans to preserve it but how can we when we accept the presence of leaders like Mr Sunstein who so obviously do not have these interests at heart? If Mr Sunstein insists on ignoring these facts of history it is up to us to educate him. I can only hope we have the will, resolve and heart to do so before it is too late.

1 comment:

Bob Skillman said...

Check mate !!! It is obvious to anyone who has any knowledge of history, that our constitutional republic based on free markets is a progressive evolutionary step beyond socialism. Socialism is the government of the cowardly. Those who would rather have some bureaucrats tell them what to do than to take responsibility for their own lives. They would rather face the calm seas of servitude than the turbulence of freedom and liberty.