Sunday, October 11, 2009

Daughter saves mother, 80, left by doctors to starve - Times Online

Daughter saves mother, 80, left by doctors to starve - Times Online

Shared via AddThis A horror story indeed of badly handled last days care in the UK. If you think it won't happen here think again. Rationing is just too tempting a way to save money. Just think, these institutions are allowing people to die and it is all legal and justified under national health care! The authors of our current health care bills claim that there are a lot of misconceptions and misrepresentations about rationing, among other things. My question is how can they look at a case like this and guarantee it would not happen here? They want you to believe there will be no rationing but if you believe that I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you. All the bills and their markups are paving the way for rationing. It won't happen right away but it will happen as we are being nudged, prodded and sweet talked towards socialistic care.

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