Sunday, October 25, 2009

It's official! Obama declares an H1N1 swine flu national emergency. So what?

It's official! Obama declares an H1N1 swine flu national emergency. So what?

Posted using ShareThis Click on the title to read the article. The comments attached to this are particularly telling. As a nurse practitioner I am well aware that we have a problem with swine flu and that it could certainly get much worse. But I also believe we do not need a national emergency declaration at this point. The flu mostly affects those with high risk conditions. Ambulance services are not carting victims to the ER in droves. The time to initiate a national emergency is best initiated when the disease puts everyone at risk for mortality. The administration may have good intentions in trying to be proactive but initiating a national emergency prematurely creates negative perceptions of fabricated crises, powergrabs, and political posturing to get health care reform passed. If people believe this now, what will happen when we truly need a national emergency declaration? The timing of this could not have been more unfortunate as it is occuring at the same time our legislators are crafting health care reform. It certainly looks to me like the administration is acting on its philosophy not to waste a good crisis and it is quite evident many others think so as well. Whether they intended it this way is subject to debate. What I know for sure is that the perceptions and misperceptions generated by such posturing can put an entire nation at risk.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I believe this to be a scare tactic. Yes we have the swine flu but I do not see it to be nearly at the proportions that this situation should be declared a national emergency. We have all the resources; I believe the innoculations are plenty and ready. They are being witheld and the information to the public is incorrect, stirring up much anxiety and fear. This is how the government can get a foothold on controlling the people. I think the true pandemic is Panic. As an avid student and even a teacher of Saul Alinsky's theory, Obama is following the principles that instill fear in people and promote the notion that only the government can take care of us. If you read Saul Alinsky's book Rules for Radicals it is clear that the means justify the ends. That is do what ever you can to instill fear to the people and create a sense of powerless and the only solution is the government to step in and save them. It is frigthening that our Commander and Chief is entrenched with this socialist/marxist viewpoint.
Everyone should be able to have access to the vaccine if they choose and also to choose not to receive it. This fear mongering is getting completely out of control.
Someone give me the stats on actually how many are dying from this flu compared to other flus, drunk driving, drug overdoses, car accidents, heart attacks, cancers..?? Just would like to see the comparison.
Trumpet Girl