Monday, July 20, 2009

Senate Vote for Hate Crimes Sparks Warning

Click on the title to read a great update on the status of the Hate Crimes Bill. It was approved while we were asleep as attached to a defense bill. Although it has been approved there are procedural details to be ironed out so there is still a chance it could be amended to protect preachers. For more information check out the links and This has been a difficult bill to track as it has been attached to other bills to gain acceptance. If your reps voted against it contact them and thank them for standing against it. If they voted for it express your outrage and let them know their vote will not be forgotten at election time. At this point in time contact your senators TODAY by email, fax or phone and demand this bill be amended to protect preachers. If it becomes law as it is right now it will have a huge devastating impact on preachers and churches throughout the country.

"The price of freedom is eternal vigilance"--Thomas Jefferson

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