Wednesday, July 22, 2009

He Hasn't Read the Bill

Oh good grief. The chosen one to lead the way on health care reform apparently hasn't read the bill and is unfamiliar with key precepts in it. Yep you heard me right. He hasn't read the bill. Click on the title to read more.

So if Obama hasn't read the bill, and our senators and congress reps haven't read the bill, who has? Who really knows what it contains? Why are we the people allowing our legislators to shove this thing down our throats when nobody knows what is in it? Aren't we the ones in charge here?

Time to take a stand folks before it is too late. Time to call, email, fax and petition our reps and DEMAND they defeat this bill. Or at least allow us time to read it which by the size of it may take some of us a year or two to read AND understand it.

I propose that we set aside this bill for now and allow about two years for the economy to recover. If it looks like the economy is in better shape then we can look at health care reform. In the meantime everyone should be required to read the bill and that means EVERYONE. Then we should debate the issue so thoroughly and completely that there can be no doubt in anyone's mind what kind of health care we want, what we are willing to do to get it and how we will pay for it. We the people need to make this decision, not the government, not special interest groups and not our legislators. We need to take control and make our legislators carry out our wishes for health care reform. But we can't do this unless we have an informed debate. Contact your reps today and take back your health care! The time is now!

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