Sunday, July 26, 2009

Five Freedoms You Will Lose Under Obamacare

Click on the title to read the article about five freedoms that will be lost under Obamacare. I know I keep hammering on the point that we the people must educate ourselves on health care reform but it is important that we are aware of what this will mean. As a nurse practitioner I know that reform is needed but I do not advocate at all government control of our health care. I believe that the current spin put out there now by the administration, House and Senate, and special interest groups such as the AMA and ANA is disingenuous at best and dishonest at worst. It is indicative that no one knows what is really in these bills. So I have challenged myself to read as much of HB 3200 as I can. I have provided the link to it in yesterday's posting so I challenge all of you to do the same. If you can't bring yourself to read the whole bill at least read section 1233 about advanced directives and end of life care. It is shocking to read how they plan to ration care for the elderly and terminally ill! It is especially shocking to find that such discussions will not take place between you and your physician but between you and a government agency! But I won't spoil the plot for you. I will let you read for yourself and draw your own conclusions. I will be twittering about this in the future so click on the link to follow me.

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