Thursday, July 23, 2009

Obamacare for Old Folks: Just Cut Your Life Short

Click on the title to read the article and check out the provisions for mandatory end-of-life care outlined in section 1233 of the Health Care Bill that deals with a government requirement for advanced care planning consultation. I am shocked that every senior citizen in the country isn't screaming in opposition to this bill as it basically mandates rationing of care and advanced directives for end of life care. Right now under the law advanced directives are voluntary but should this bill become law they will be mandatory. Every five years you would be required to meet with a medicare consultant to review your advanced directive. You will have to discuss such things as no code status or artificial nutrition even if you are against it. It doesn't come right out and say it but the language in this bill indicates that if even if you want to be fully resuscitated you will be counseledto accept other alternatives. Even if you are a healthy happy 90 year old or 100 year old you will still have to consider cutting your life short for the greater good of all. Don't take my word for it. Read the bill for yourself and see what you think. Fortunately the vote has been delayed in the House and Senate until the fall. But do not become complacent as we are not out of the woods. Make an appointment to visit with your reps when they come to town this summer. Keep up the pressure. Make yourself visible and make your voice heard. Above all, make this bill your summer reading project. Your life could depend on it!

In the meantime I have made my decision as to what I will do if this bill passes. When the counselors from Medicare show up on my doorstep they will be met with a baseball bat. Then we will see whose end-of-life decisions we will be discussing.

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