Sunday, August 30, 2009

'Take that thing off your head'

'Take that thing off your head'

Shared via AddThis Wow I wonder how many of us would have had the stones to do what this young lady did? In my humble opinion her courage was punished. She never made a threat, she simply expressed an opinion. Perhaps she could have been a little more diplomatic but I doubt that would have helped as the teacher probably still would have reported her. What gets me is that it was the teacher who reported the incident, not the two students involved! It would have been better if the teacher had stayed out of it and let the two students settle their differences as long as things didn't escalate to violence. As it was the teacher ended up backing down, changing her story and making things worse! This forced a politically correct solution, one that directly infringed on one student's first amendment rights and one that taught the other that respect for the American way of life is not required. We all need to remember that respect is always a two-way street. True respect is never just given, it is always taught and earned.

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