Monday, August 10, 2009


Union Thugs were recorded trying to intimidate people trying to get into a town hall meeting to confront their representatives about health care. They were also caught on tape getting physical with people. They had warned that they were going to do this in order to try to stop the debate and squash public opposition. I want them to understand something. American citizens have every right to voice their opinions to their representatives. They also have the God given right to self defense. You never know who you are putting your hands on. I am a certified Military hand to hand combat instructor, 3rd degree black belt in karate, first degree black belt in judo, mixed martial arts instructor, former boxer and kick boxer. If I show up to a town hall, I don't respond well to intimidation or to anyone putting their hands on me. It makes me mad, and in the words of David Banner, you won't like me when I'm mad. Free speech is the American way. I am calling on all my fellow martial artists to attend town hall meetings protect, and make sure our fellow Americans are not abused by these thugs. Freedoms Pitchfork is not responsible for this message. I am! No true Martial Artist looks for trouble, but in the words of Gichin Funakoshi, the father of modern day Karate " In ones daily life, ones mind and body be trained and developed in the spirit of humility; and that at critical times, one be devoted utterly to the cause of justice."

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