Monday, August 10, 2009

Sestak: Health Care Protests Fair, Tough Debates

Wow! Finally a Democrat that recognizes what the true democratic process should be all about! He and Representative Marsha Blackburn both recognize that this debate belongs to the American people and that no senator or congressman should be afraid of a tough debate. We need more leaders like this!

I attended Congressman Marsha Blackburn's town hall meeting and it was great! It was supposed to be held in one of the meeting rooms at the Macaroni Grill in Germantown so when I arrived I was amazed to find a large crowd at the front door. I went inside and inquired where the Blackburn meeting was going to be held. One of the managers (his eyes wide as saucers) told me that there must have been a misunderstanding, that Macaroni Grill doesn't typically "do things like this" and to talk to a man in a blue suit outside about where the meeting would be held. So I went outside and waited with the rest of the crowd which kept growing larger but was peaceful and orderly. While waiting I was able to exchange ideas with people on both sides of the issue and our discussions were great. After awhile one of Congressman Blackburn's staff announced that since our group was so large they had made arrangements with Macaroni Grill to meet in the parking lot. So we moved to an empty area of the lot where there was a van with speakers and a microphone and Congressman Blackburn spent the next hour totally engaged with us, walking around, answering our questions, and passing the microphone around so that everyone could be heard. The debate was passionate but orderly without the shouting, name calling and abusive language that has characterized other meetings. She encouraged everyone from all sides to voice their concerns, saying it was imperative that the American people have a chance to debate tough issues such as health care.

There were some police there, as appropriate for a town hall meeting with a Congressman. But there were no reporters or TV cameras. So that is why I am writing this, so that people will know that it is possible to have real town hall meetings with real debates if you have a representative who is not afraid to engage with people and honestly answer their questions. Pictures to follow.

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