Thursday, August 6, 2009


    After countless debates with liberals I have come to one conclusion, it's all about the power. To be more specific, it's about how much power and control they are willing to give to government, as opposed to how much conservatives are willing to give government. You can't separate giving power to the federal government from giving away freedom and liberty. When government has more power, we have less liberty. So, the question is, how much "liberty" are "liberals" willing to give up? Apparently a lot. According to liberals there is nothing unconstitutional about Government taking over industries like banking, mortgage [the government now owns close to 90% of U.S mortgages], automotive [60% of general motors], investment ind., energy [ through crap and tax..oops, I mean cap and trade], health care. By the time Obama is through the government will control over 50% of the entire economy. This is a higher % than France, yet they still insist this is all Constitutional, and they refuse to admit that this is socialism. When you show them the Constitution they point to clauses such as the commerce clause, or the general welfare clause. These are the two clauses of the Constitution that have been used [interpreted] to justify every liberal legislation and spending program that has caused us a 12 trillion dollar debt. The Founding fathers warned us about this:
    " If Congress can do whatever in their discretion can be done by money, and promote the 
" General Welfare", the government is no longer a limited one, possessing enumerated powers, but an indefinite one...."   JAMES MADISON... The father of the Constitution
   He elaborated on this limitation saying:

   "With respect to the two words "general welfare" I have always regarded them as qualified by the detail of powers connected with them. To take them in a literal and unlimited sense would be a metamorphosis of the Constitution into a character which there is a host of proofs was not contemplated by it's creators."

   Thomas Jefferson, referring to the general welfare said: "Congress has not unlimited powers to provide for the general welfare, but only those specifically enumerated."
   When liberals are presented with these arguments, the "living and breathing document that changes with the times" always rears it's ugly head.
    The problem with this argument is that it never existed before the early 1900's when the progressive movement started their push towards a socialist change in America. Nothing like that ever left the lips of the Founding fathers. In fact they said the exact opposite:
   " The basis of our political system is the right of the people to make and to alter their constitutions of government. But the constitution which at any time exists, till changed by an explicit and authentic act of the whole people [ the amendment process], is sacredly obligatory

 The amendment process as described in the constitution, is the living and breathing aspect of the document. Until that EXPLICIT AND AUTHENTIC process is completed, the Constitution stands as written. When ever we hear someone say the words 'interpreted' or  'implied' what they mean is, it can't be found by an ordinary, common sense reading of the Constitution, so some pin head academic has to explain it to us, but thats not the way it was intended. It was intended that the people would be vigilant in keeping our elected officials within the bounds of the Constitution. How could we do this if it is so complicated only someone with a law degree could figure it out? Alexander Hamilton, who was a federalist, and a proponent of a powerful federal government said, "It will be of little avail to the people that the laws are made by men of their own choice, if the laws be so voluminous that they can not be read, or so incoherent that they can not be understood..." Federalist papers #62

   I wonder what Hamilton would have thought about a health care bill with over 1000 pages that in the words of one democrat congressmen, you need 3 days and 2 lawyers to understand?

   Concerning government usurping power, there is a point of no return. A point where we will not be able to turn things around using our political system. Where is that point and what will it take to regain our liberty if it is reached?

   Next week I will give you the powers every dictatorship needs to suppress it's people, The historical pattern that every Democracy followed leading to collapse and connect both of these things to the path our country is on right now.

   This is Paul Revere reminding you, " The red coats ARE coming"

     “ If we move in mass, be it ever so circuitously, we shall attain our object; but if we break into squads, everyone pursuing the path he thinks most direct, we become an easy conquest to those who can now barely hold us in check.”

Thomas Jefferson, letter to William Duane, 1811





1 comment:

Freedom's Voice said...

Well said Paul Revere! Looking forward to more posts like this. The more we learn about our Constitution the better we will understand how to make our laws. Keep up the good work and thanks for posting!