Sunday, August 23, 2009

Finally, Conservatives Have Their Freedom Fighters

Finally, Conservatives Have Their Freedom Fighters

Shared via AddThis I never thought that one day I would be considered a protester or a demonstrator. I never dreamed that my belief in God, country, truth and the American way would ever predispose me to be called a nazi, racist, fascist or any of the other crazy horrible names our so called leaders have come up with. I never thought that I, a middle aged wife, swim mom, church leader, Girl Scout leader, and nurse practitioner would ever be considered a freedom fighter. Wow-me, a freedom fighter! How cool is that??

For those of you who think you can scare us off by calling us names and using your stupid little Saul Alinsky tactics on us, let me set you straight. We are not going to be silenced, we are not going away, we are growing in numbers daily and we will not be stopped by you or anyone else that wants to turn this country into a cess pool. This is a promise and one I intend to do all that is in my power to keep. After all, I am a freedom fighter now and damned proud of it!

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